"If even these pants fit, I'm gonna write a blog post!". About a week ago I went over all my clothing to see what fits and what doesn't. All the pre-pregnancy clothing fits me!

My body shape is a little different from before so some clothes that used to look okay on me are now great and some others are horrible but they (almost) all fit and that's what really matters for a food-obsessed person like me. I'm still 1 or 2 kg heavier than before but I am not worried about that, because the clothes that don't fit are tight shirts. And it's not the stomach part that's too tight...
I want to share some important health information.
Do not try this at home! I heard about a special cleansing diet: Lemon detox diet. People spend the entire day drinking natural lemonade with maple syrup and pepper. Of course you can't use regular maple syrup - you have to order the special detox blend of maple syrup (!) which costs $80 per liter. So people spend up to 15 days drinking only this lemonade and eating nothing and this is supposed to be super healthy and cure the following illnesses: headaches, common cold, stiff neck, nose itching

, rashes, nausea, fever, anorexia, depression, overweight, bad breath, sexual disorders and many more.

I think the list speaks for itself and needs no special comments on how ridiculous this diet is.
I'm not on this detox diet. I'm not on any diet. I just try not to eat massive amounts of sugar but I barely even choose what else I eat. That includes all the things I'm not supposed to eat at all, like dairy, nuts and chocolate. Compared to those it's not so bad that I also eat up to a kilo of fresh apples or plums without any guilt.
Not only am I not on any diet, I'm actually consuming pure oil with a table spoon. I found a store in my town that sells good quality flex seed oil (
linaseemne õli). It's the bast natural source of omega-3 fatty acids. Flex seed oil has 50% more omega-3 than fish oil. I know I don't eat enough unsaturated fats so I started taking one tablespoon of this oil every morning. These fatty acids have numerous health benefits, my favourite being it's effect on brain functioning. I don't even know what it does but I am quite sure it is good for an infant's brain development.

I also think it might have a good effect on my nails and hair. Especially now that all the vitamins and minerals I eat have been shared with Siiri for over a year now and it's finally starting to wear me down. I have much more faith in the safety and health benefits of flex seed oil than multivitamins.
Lately baby has been doing some darn cute things. She has gained a great deal of control over her hands. One time I put her to bed to let her wind down a little so she'd sleep better at night. For a little while she talked with her Worm and then she got really excited about something so I went to take a look at her. She had pulled the blanket over her head and was wailing her arms around with great enthusiasm. She loved the trick so much that today when she got hold of a tiny towel, she pulled it on her face and shrieked with glee.
I normally wouldn't post photos of my baby in a public blog, but here she's doing a sneaky robber trick and has done a great job of hiding her face.
Baby update: at her 4th month doctor's visit she weighed 7.3 kg (gained 830g in a month) and was 63.5 cm (grew 2 cm). That's approximately the size of an average Estonian 5-month old baby girl. She sure does grow fast.
She got her triple vaccine today - diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. This is the vaccine I was most afraid of because I read about one case where a baby cried for a couple of days and then had autistic behavior right after the shot and it lasted for months. Vaccine gave that baby minor brain damage. I always assume that vaccine side-effects are exaggerated by mothers and I never even considered not vaccinating Siiri against those dangerous diseases. But now Siiri gave me quite a scare. She slept for four hours - she woke up twice and cried in a really sad way.

She was very upset about something and I couldn't help her in any way. Fortunately now she's awake and she's in a much better mood. Perhaps she's okay after all.