Friday, February 26, 2010

Cute Baby Sleeps

It worked. It really worked! A great new truth to remember: if you want a baby not to assume that she'll be fed at night, then don't feed her at night!

My plan was to prolong the feeding-free time by one hour each night. I started with 4 hours of feeding-free time. That meant we skipped her favourite meal - her 12 o'clock feeding, but it was perfectly manageable because it was only one hour of postponing and shushing. The next night was a bit more difficult. By third day Erkki had developed a new habit. Each evening he asked, "so... No feeding until 5 a.m. today? Oh THAT will be tough." The next morning I breathed out a sigh of relief that everything is still going by plan. As days went by Erkki's prediction of problems ahead started to get hopeful. "If you keep this up, she won't eat AT ALL during the night." Well yes, that's the general plan.

I was persistent and it paid off. Until I got to the final feedings. Starting from 7 a.m. there is a real risk that if Siiri is awake for an entire minute () she might decide she likes being awake. That really tested my skills of getting her back to sleep without feeding. It had been so much easier to just pop in a breast and see baby drift back to sleep. The problem with that was that I couldn't sneak back to bed for the risk of waking her up. So I just took an early morning nap in stead. I had thought if I just don't feed her she won't even wake up at 7 a.m. and I'll get to sleep until morning. I'll be so much better rested without all those nighttime interruptions. However, I overlooked one tiny detail: without all those nighttime interruptions Siiri too was so much better rested and was no longer sleepy after 8 a.m.

After some experimenting, I reached a compromise for us. I feed her at 8 a.m. and she's welcome to stay awake if she wants to. Except I won't. I give her a few toys to play with and I turn off the baby monitor. I can hear distress-crying without it but I can just sleep thought her "entertain me, mommy"-crying. She's fed and safe and I'm happily asleep. She's already getting used to it. Today she played alone for half an hour. I almost went there to take a peek that she's still okay.

A few nights ago Siiri made her all-time sleep record. She had 10 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

I haven't been so well-rested in months. I am almost able to participate in conversations now, without my brain short-circuiting from all that mental strain. My IQ grew a few points overnight. Oh that's why stereotypical mommies are so simpleminded. I can honestly say that for a long time it was really difficult to follow a group discussion. It felt like everyone was talking so fast.

Sidenote... She's been asleep for nearly an hour and she started crying in the other room. I resisted an urge to get up and go check on her. There's a 3-minute rule I read in a book. If I manage to wait for 3 minutes, my baby might actually fall asleep on her own. Even better if I manage 10 minutes because then it's pretty certain she'll just fall asleep. I had no plan. I just sat and listened. It took 20 seconds for her to fall asleep again.

I also managed to write a decent second draft of the article. It kept me busy for a while. I'm almost happy with it. At least now that it hasn't come back all red with corrections and suggestions. I actually managed to read scientific articles. That's certainly a step beyond social conversations when it comes to mental strain.

Baby Update: Siiri weighed 8,61 kg at her 9-month check-up and she's 70 cm in length. There is hardly a surface she won't use to pull herself up. She learned to make careful side-steps while holding on to furniture and she's actively flexing her legs while standing. Her physical development then went to be background and she has started to pay more attention to words again. She doesn't get tired of the game where she points toward the ceiling lamp and I say "lamp". As simple as that. She can play it in every room and even when we're visiting someone else. And today when I was going to the lab for a little while and waved to Siiri, "Bye Siiri, I'll see you in a couple of hours", Siiri stared with a happy expression and suddenly lifted her hand and waved right back at me! Super cute!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

No Teeth No Excuses

I've gone soft. I remember being determined that babies are not supposed to eat at night after 6 months of age. Now Siiri is 9 months old and I still feed her. She does sleep in her own bed but she wakes up every couple of hours to be fed. I'm sure she doesn't need to be fed and I sure as hell don't enjoy getting up at night. So why do I let her walk all over my precious nights? Why do I let her push me further and further into sleep deprivation land where all social life goes to die? Because I'm too lazy to stop her. Or should I say I HAVE BEEN too lazy to stop her?

A few days ago I woke up at 7:45 a.m. at night. Some call it morning. Tell them morning is defined as "the time period between dawn and noon" and sun comes up at 7:52 a.m. which means they're wrong. So I woke up at night in the wrong bed, where I nurse Siiri. I looked at Siiri with tired confusion and a hope of putting her back in her bed. She looked back with lively energy and a hopeful look asking "wanna play?". I quickly offered her food because it usually makes her sleepy. She took a few sips and then looked at me with that after-Christmas-meal stuffed look. Then she quickly rolled away and started to make her way toward the edge of bed. I caught her ankle and shook my head to get my eyes to focus in the same place. I was desperate for more sleep. I tried leaving her to play alone in her bed while I sleep another hour or two but she - surprise-surprise - did not cooperate with that plan.

So I lay in my bed trying to ignore the annoyed complaining coming from the baby monitor. It had been a while since I properly slept in my bed so my pillow felt extra comfortable. I thought, mhhh, there have been too many nights when I barely even get to sleep in my bed because I'm woken up with crying only an hour after I fall asleep and then I go and I try to get baby to fall asleep. I try cradling for a minute at most and then I take the easy way out and i just nurse her back to sleep. It really is a vicious cycle. If I didn't feed her, she might not even wake up and I would get more sleep. But I haven't been getting enough sleep so I'm too tired to do anything but feed her. What would happen if I simply didn't feed her for a little while? Sounds so familiar - wait, I've done that. And it worked!

I remembered Siiri used to sleep so well! And then her sleeping got worse and then I corrected it. And then she slept well again. Rinse and repeat. This is the longest she has had frequent wake-ups. Her sleep has been getting worse ever since teething started at 4 months of age. With nearly every tooth there has been a time when I feed her almost every hour at night. It was so hard to make her feel better any other way and, to be honest, breastfeeding is a really pleasant and relaxing activity. Almost like getting high on happy-hormones without any life-threatening side effects. Teething was a great excuse to let her wake me up and not do anything to correct it. She woke up from pain anyway and I could really make her feel better by offering her food. Babies are creatures of habit - if a baby is fed to sleep at night, at many nights in a row, several times during a night, she will really start to expect her parent to feed her to sleep. Now Siiri is not growing a tooth even though her 8th should be almost here. Now I could be the one keeping her bad habit alive. I only have to stop feeding her and problem is solved.

Right there and then, with Siiri complaining in the background, I decided (AGAIN) that enough is enough and Siiri must be weaned from night-feedings. I made a plan to start postponing her first night meal by one hour each night. Today her no-food time range is from 9 to 3. In a week it will be from 9 to 9. Twelve hours of baby starvation. And after that it must be a helluva good exception for me to feed her between 9 and 9. I'm so excited. If it works, I'll get to go to parties again. My brain will have some processing power. My muscles will get the rest to heal from heavy workouts.

I'll be a fresher and newer me. And perhaps I'll think about anything else besides baby sleep habits and teething.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I am completely addicted to chap sticks. I've been using chap sticks frequently since my early teens I guess. In recent years, I have to apply a lip balm several times a day, in the winter sometimes even several times each hour. I have a lip balm in my purse, backpack, baby carrier pocket, desk drawer and bedroom drawer. I had one in my winter coat pocket as well but I used it all up. I've tried every Blistex, Labello, Nivea, ChapStick, SebaMed, and a few others marketed in Estonia today. I've even tried some cheap lip balms without a proper brand name. Still, in the winter the skin on my lips is so dry it peels off!

I researched it a little. There is and isn't such a thing as chap stick addiction. Many people report being dependant on lip balm but medically it's not really an addiction. Usually it's caused by a bad habit of licking one's lips. I don't lick my lips! I've ruled out this cause since forever. When I read about it this time, one website asked, "Now that I mention it, did you lick your lips just now?". At that moment I found myself sucking on my lower lip. BUSTED! I really hadn't thought about it but I do it quite often. Frankly, it does not matter if I wet my lips by pushing out my tongue to touch my lips or by pulling in my lips to touch my tongue. So I do actually lick my lips in this different sort of way. Guilty as charged.

The second thing that I found was that some typical lip balm ingredients CAUSE lips to dry. Menthol, camphor and phenol are thought to be the real culprit in many lip balm addictions. Conspiracy theorists and nature freaks claim that menthol, camphor and phenol are ineffective as lip moisturizers and are added to create the feeling of dry lips. Soon after applying lip balm they feel they need to reapply lip balm. Hence they have to keep using the product. If they try to quit cold turkey their lips get extremely dry and chapped and many people even report having swollen lips soon after they stopped applying lip balm.

Now I'm trying to kick the habit of applying lip balm so often. I keep observing myself so I don't wet my lips and try to use only the best lip balms that I have, hoping it won't have any of those bad ingredients. So far no help. Sometimes I manage two whole hours without applying lip balm but not much longer, except at night.

By the way, did you know there is such a thing as Lip Balm Anonymous! Chap stick addiction is still underestimated. Lip Balm Anonymous website was listed as number 327 in a book called "505 Unbelievably Stupid Web Pages."

Meanwhile, Siiri has learned to pull herself up so fast that she can even do it in her sleep just before she wakes up. Standing in her bed is like a compulsion. She can't NOT pull herself up. It's starting to get in the way of learning to fall asleep. She doesn't seem to realize that standing up is not the best position for falling asleep. Who knew, right? I'm very proud of her for pulling herself up with such ease. Her body is quite solid and still when she's holding balance standing straight. Yet her hands are clutching the bed like her life depends on it. There she stands with a straight body chanting "mmeEmmeEmmeEmmeEmmeEm!" (mmyMommyMommyMom)

Currently she has two bed toys. There's the Worm and Puppy. Worm is very comforting to hold and chew but Puppy is much more huggable. For a while it seemed Puppy will not come even close to how much she likes the Worm but now there might be some toy drama unfolding. Today she was standing in bed busy holding balance. She saw the Worm in her reach. She let go with one hand and grab hold of Worm but then started to lose balance and pulled her hand back, ending up with Worm dangling over the edge. Siiri looked at it and then just let go. Worm fell to the floor with a quiet thump. Siiri was overjoyed and laughed. She ENJOYED seeing Worm fall! Later I had returned the Worm to her bed and what did Siiri do? She carefully pushed Worm between crib bars and watched it fall again and then laughed. I wonder what Worm did to deserve such harsh treatment...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Spamming Theft

OH MY GOD! My online ME is in danger! Last weekend someone hacked into my email account and sent spam to all my contacts. I don't just mean any email account. I mean THE email account. The one I've had for about a decade. The one I've used when making a personal account in any other website, including Blogger. The one that I use in MSN messenger. This email account is so thoroughly rooted in all my Internet activity that it is practically like my online spirit, my Internet alter ego. Sending out so much spam has got me listed in some email black lists and now several emails that were sent to me bounced back with some comment about untrustworthy recipient. I can still use the email address to log into Blogger, for example. At least Hotmail didn't freeze my account because I got a few new emails today.

It is distressing that THE email address is now unreliable, though. Not to mention it's quite embarrassing to send spam to all those people , including professors, ancient romantic interests, former acquaintances, and all the other people I had gladly forgotten. I really hope no one fell for the "DEAR FRIEND" beginning and I hope no one clicked on that link.

It would be wise to avoid relying on one email account for everything. I have had several other email accounts but I keep forgetting their passwords and then forgetting I even had an account there until it expires. It would be easy if I used one of those (whatchama-call-it) email browsers like Outlook so I could just direct all my emails there but they are all SO UGLY. Like the 90ies exploded all over freeware. Just white boxes and gray edges. Oh I'm sure you can visit options and make it green boxes and blue edges if you want, but in the end it still looks worse than your average beginner web page made by some friendly colorblind highschool geek.

Yet I'm not nearly as freaked out about the entire event as I could be. I wasn't even all that freaked out when I thought Hotmail froze my account and I have to make a new account in every website I use. At first I thought I'm taking it so lightly because I'm mentally in some serene breastfeeding mother's limbo. I have been unusually serene and blissfully calm (most of the time) ever since Siiri was born for which I "blame" breastfeeding hormones. Now I realize my reaction is mostly RELIEF! I'm so calm because I'm relieved!

Think about it this way: I sent all my friends and former friends and all the important and less important acquaintances an email promoting low price "Computers, Televisions,Cell Phones,MP3/MP4 Players,Digital Cameras, Camcorders, Video Games Consoles,GPS and Motorcycles". I COULD have sent them advertising for penis enlargers, xxx-content sites, 50% off breast implants. Or I could have sent them a horrible malware that wipes their computers clean, and not in the good and tidy way. Even those money scams "please send me money so I can give you the millions you inherited" would have been worse. I don't even know how my email account was stolen so it really could have been any random spam. Actually I don't know if I linked everyone to a nasty malware site. I didn't try clicking it.

On other news, Siiri has started to pull herself up. She crawl to a higher obstacle and then just keeps on crawling. Carefully places her hand, then the other one and then tries to pull her knees closer for better balance. Then she carefully places one feet sole to the floor and becomes very wobbly as she tries to get the other sole to the floor and both legs straight. And then she falls down sitting. But sometimes she doesn't fall - she gets a good starting position and manages to get both legs straight with her feet firmly on the ground. She gets really excited with her success and tries to jump up and down, except she CAN'T jump yet. As she tries to flex her knees, her legs get all stiff and start trembling. She can't even sit back down carefully so she lets go with her hands and falls down sitting from quite a high position.

So far I have managed to ease her fall a bit but now she learned that pulling herself up is much easier in her crib. She can simply slide her hands higher and gradually straighten her body. She got an unusual mischievous laugh when she discovered it, as if saying, "What a neat trick! This I have to practice when Mommy's not here to read stories to me". I can already imagine waking up to horrible pain cries and running in to discover that Siiri pulled herself up and then fell head-first into crib bars. I have crib padding but it won't protect her.

Oh well, it appears I'm trying to protect her against the most baby-safe object in out apartment so perhaps I should just forget those over-protecting thoughts.

Meanwhile, during daytime Siiri crawls around this electronics-friendly apartment with barely any doors to stop her and we haven't even begun to turn this place child-safe. It seems it won't be necessary. We'll eliminate some obvious lethal hazards but other than that it's not worth the trouble! An 8-month old baby is perfectly capable of understanding that No means No. We keep a perfectly good laptop on the floor with it's keyboard in Siiri's reach, yet Siiri just sits nearby and plays with boring plastic shapes. No violence or punishing or "quick hand taps" involved. Not even yelling or anger. Simply a lot of persistence with clear serious voice, "No, don't. No, don't. No, don't. No, don't. No, don't. No, don't.". She has a lot of freedom with a few rules she already understands. Lovely smart baby.