I should start with saying that I got a glamour photo session for my birthday. That's a true journey of narcissism and vanity - a perfect gift for a me.
On Monday I finally had the photo shoot. I got a make-up done, then an outfit was picked out for me and I stood in front of the camera. Two hours had gone by already. Then photographer adjusted his lights and mirrors, and another hour had gone by. On the fourth hour I called Erkki who was already at home ready to relieve our babysitter. We decided it was too close to Siiri's bedtime to bring her out of home for a good-night breastfeeding because she would be too excited to fall asleep afterwards. Me and the photographer discussed which outfits suit me the best. He was really polite and respectful, always making sure he doesn't walk in on me changing outfits. Some clothes I had brought from home, some others were picked by the stylist. I thought there would be a ton of props in the photo shoot but I was just standing on an empty floor in front of a dark screen wearing pretty clothing, fine make-up and a simple fitting hairdo.
I thought Siiri would be pissed. I thought she would cry and scream during the photo shoot and she would be pinching and biting the next day. No, nothing like that. During the day, it was like Monday had never happened. But at night, she suddenly started to have separation anxiety. She woke up very often and cried loudly. When I got to her she was already shaking and scared.
My active week continued with a Friday-morning laboratory seminar. I was supposed to have plans to bake a cake with a friend in the afternoon but she couldn't make it, so in stead I proposed, "hey, let's go clubbing in stead! Tonight!". I already had an agreement with Erkki that I can take the night off if I want to. I had no idea what I was going to wear because I hadn't been to a club in such a long time. I didn't even care what I was going to wear because on Friday, with all my unexpected spontaneity, it really did not matter! I picked an outfit half an hour before I went out and I didn't really bother with my hair. Long and loose is pretty and feminine, what more do I need? Club Atlantis had a 90ies summer hits party.
You'd think that's quite enough for one week, but actually the "busy day" was only just beginning. We had two parties planned for one day. In the afternoon we took Siiri to her grandparents home and went to the first party. It was with Erkki's colleagues. We tasted rotten shark meat or Hákarl, a delicacy of Island, which was a memorable experience. (See, I can be diplomatic, if I really try!
The week had given me enough chance to feel like a real person that Sunday belonged to Siiri. I spent the morning hugging and crowding her and we went on a wonderful Sunday afternoon walk in the warm March sun. Siiri closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of sun on her face.