Figuring out what to make for lunch is no easy task. And unfortunately I'm still not able to escape this responsibility. When I know I won't be home during lunch, I simply have to prepare lunch even earlier or to figure out something simple enough for the babysitter to prepare. I'm not evil enough to give her a chunk of raw pork and a jar of sun dried tomatoes with a comment, "do something with them". That would be especially evil taking into account she's vegetarian!
Vegetarians are a truly rare breed in Estonia. She's the first Estonian vegetarian I've seen in years. Or perhaps there have been vegetarians who are hiding their eating habits. This could seem odd to anyone who hasn't seen how little respect vegetarians get among Estonians. This particular vegetarian spent her Jaanipäev (summer solstice) in the same place as us. Grilled meat, especially pork, is a traditional food during Jaanipäev celebration. She doesn't mind other people (including her own children) eating meat but apparently other people truly mind her NOT eating meat. "I see you don't have any FOOD on your plate. Why don't you eat meat? Is it some allergies? What's wrong with eating meat?". Eventually it got really nasty. "Why don't you like real food? What's wrong with you?
Siiri gets along with this babysitter so well that I can leave for work without worrying about Siiri's well being.
Sometimes it seems Siiri is also happier if I work. I'm really bad at playing with Siiri. After a few hours of playing I get bored and I start to dominate the game. In stead of Siiri pointing at pictures to ask "what's this on the picture", I end up asking her, "Siiri, where is dog?". When I don't dominate the game, I get really sleepy because my mind is so under stimulated. Usually I try to do anything else to keep myself vivid and I play with Siiri only as background activity. So even when I'm at home, Siiri doesn't get my full attention. Babysitter plays with Siiri for real and Siiri loves her for it.
Not the entire summer is about work. Tomorrow we're going on a 4-day vacation. We don't want to take Siiri on a plane so we rented a small house in Estonia, near Otepää. We won't have to worry about cooking and we can spend time in a sauna or we can grill meat and drink cider outdoors.
Speaking of cider, Siiri is completely weaned from breastfeeding. Her last remaining breastfeeding was some time between 5 and 7 a.m. so now she wakes up at 7 a.m. and won't fall back asleep. Me and Erkki take turns in keeping her company in the morning. It took time for her to get used to not being breastfed anymore and she was very upset with me even during daytime. It all ended a couple of days ago. Siiri asked for breast milk during daytime and I chose to give it to her because she was asking so nicely. She took a taste and looked like the happiest baby ever. She just wouldn't stop grinning widely
Sometimes I wonder: am I really a "mommy" or am I just someone who has a child? Perhaps there is a difference and not all people are really able to truly be mommies?