It's been said that technology is as advanced as it can get. Anyone with any kind of mental capability knows that's rubbish. Technology is just getting started. My perfectionism will not be satisfied until:
1) All files could be connected from any device to any device and would be supported by every modern operating system/program. Don't you ever get annoyed when the computer plays an "avi" file and then Xbox can't open it and home cinema system can't even find it?
If I ever get my way, there will be STANDARDS for what can be called a video player. The first requirement would be that it plays any modern video file without needing any extra codecs installed manually. It can open any subtitle file and subtitle size and style can be changed in less than 15 seconds. It can stream video into anywhere, even through local network into the TV. I mean, if both TV and computer are connected, what's the hold-up? It's rather mind-boggling that I even have to name these things here. Technology is very far behind on its potential.
2) All devices with a hard drive or anything similar can be connected to any other appropriate device and used as an instant flash drive. I am very disappointed that most devices can't even recognize a perfectly normal average portable hard drive. Most devices can't even recognize most flash drives! Like OH MY GOD how lame.
If I had it my way, I could take my phone or my camera, connect it straight to any TV and show what clip I filmed earlier. This should also work with any tablet or anything with a screen.
3) Technology should be smaller, faster and better! People say that technology is getting smaller but I say, not fast enough! It's nice that phones don't take so much pocket space anymore, or when they do, it's because of a good big touch screen. Touch screens are something I really approve. However, laptops are HUGE and so heavy. Do they really need to be that heavy? I'd gladly own a laptop, but then I'd want the store to provide someone to carry it around for me. It's not that I couldn't do it - I just really don't want to.
I've seen the tiny laptops but who would want one of those - the screen and the keyboard are tiny too. Their batteries have too short lives and their processing power is way less than what I'd need. As for laptop batteries in general, I think it's quite ridiculous that laptops overheat fast and quickly run out of battery. I think cooling the processor must also take a lot of energy, so that too is being wasted. Can't they really find a way to lock up that heat energy? Why does it have to be wasted? Well, maybe that's impossible or so impractical that it's pointless but either way that's something that technology fails at.
I'm not even sure what would solve the problem of technology needing to be small but screen and keyboard needing to be big. Perhaps it will be some sort of touch screen that can be folded for transport or maybe it will be hologram technology that will eventually save the day.
4) Programs should actually work!
A whole other standard is Windows Media Center. I gladly use Windows programs like Internet Explorer, Windows office, Windows 7 or XP so that I don't have to use Firefox or Open Office. I'm glad those exist - a little competition never hurts in this business. Windows Media Center, however is a horrible failure. It takes forever to start the program and then it doesn't play most files (if it can even find them) and doesn't like subtitles.
Also, Internet Explorer 9... I know I installed the beta version and I was warned that it will have bugs in it, just like any beta version. I expected them to periodically provide updates that would patch bugs until the program is good enough to be sold. The reality is, that I installed it nearly a year ago and am currently writing this post from Google Chrome because IE9 doesn't work well with Blogger.
Don't even get me started on how buggy Oblivion is on Xbox. The entire Thieve's Guild quest line the pointer was always pointing at the wrong guy, game froze unexpectedly, quests didn't update when they should have...
5) Fast Wireless connection should be available everywhere for anyone who has a contract. In proper terms, G4 should be as widespread as good quality mobile network and shouldn't cost much more than that.
So, did I convince you that technology is very far from being advanced?
I was so excited about CES 2011, the big technology conference in the beginning of January but in the end I still haven't found a tablet that I approve or a new piece of technology that will give me hope for the future of technology in general. All the companies are still doing their own little things, making hardware and software that is incompatible with anything else and thus they are working against perfect technology.