Okay, so the situation was this - a room full of people. 3 sisters (me included) with their partners plus one brother and two little kids: 2 and 4 years old. It felt a bit formal like all polite family events with food but pleasant nontheless. And then an absolutely absurd chain of events occurred. The 4-year old kid was asked what a yapper is and he obliviously said my name. My sister said, "Oh, that was soooo not nice of you to say that about your aunt Krista.". I gave my sister an inquiring look because my name was mentioned. I get along with the kid just fine, so there's no reason he'd say anything deliberately mean about me behind my back. It seemed the kid didn't even know what a yapper is. And it isn't even a proper word anyway or at least it's rarely used to insult people. He simply had no interest in their game and said the first random thing on his mind.
But my sister was sure the kid was saying mean things about me, so she wanted to "save" me and announced that the kid had called me a yapper and then proceeded to tell the boy that it wasn't nice of him and he shouldn't do it next time. I got angry and said that the kid didn't even mean it like that and I wouldn't have even noticed it if she hadn't announced it like this. I really tried to choose my words but I had an angry and threatened tone because I had just been called a yapper in a group of 7 adults.
Everyone got quiet, the other sister wanted to make things good again and said I was just being hormonal (as if to justify my reaction). So I tried to explain myself a bit better, but apparently the situation was already too tense because the first sister stormed out of the room and her boyfriend followed him. Then the second sister again justified that it was my hormones and I shouldn't worry about exaggerated emotions. I said it wasn't that. But I didn't want to make things any worse, so I decided to sit quietly until my adrenaline level goes down.
Then the sister's boyfriend comes in and says, "Are you happy now?! You made her cry!" And then it all went over the edge and I started to cry as well and the second sister was talking about hormones again.
I'm feeling better now, but my eyes are red and my teeth hurt. The baby has finally calmed down. And nothing really even happened! The 4-year old kid didn't say anything bad about me and my sister didn't say anything bad and I wasn't deeply insulted and my sister's boyfriend just asked if I was happy. Why the hell did all that happen then? What happened there?! Is it really just the pregnancy making me too emotional? No! I still say that it's just a lousy stereotype! No matter how much I analyze it, I don't see how it was about pregnancy & hormones.
I have been angry twice during my entire pregnancy - once today and once when I was visiting my folks. I mentioned it in the blog: one brother called me a fatso and the other gave nicknames to my unborn child, all at the same time. I raised my voice at them and that was that. Both times I was angry when I was with my family. Coincidence?
My personality has come a long way since I moved out of my parents home. Then I was just unsure about everything, trying to get into the university, unsure how I would be able to live on my own. Sadly, the rest of the family shared these thoughts. They were surprised I got into the university, and when I moved out my dad gave me $20.
Now in my everyday life the situation is significantly different. I am surrounded by intelligent and successful people. At work I am treated as an equal by molecular biology scientists who regularly publish articles in international journals. Among my friends I am sometimes the extroverted enthusiastic chatterbox and sometimes the friendly curious person asking silly questions. Among my husband's friends I'm more often the shy friendly wife. I don't talk much but when others initiate conversation I give a positive impression. I can be a bit too opinionated and way too honest, but that's just me and everyone has their weaknesses. Despite that, I'm quite used to being treated as an equal. Even people who don't know me well treat me with polite respect (as I treat them).
However, the moment I'm surrounded by my family, I am assumed to take the same role I had as a child. No one among my friends or colleagues would ever call me a fatso or a yapper. But for some reason, that's not the case when I'm with my family. I assume they treat me with some respect and I'm completely thrown off track when they suddenly don't. Or maybe if a friend had said "fatso", I would have found it funny. Mhh.
I didn't pay too much attention to it a year ago, but I just intuitively avoided spending too much time with my family because I felt somewhat tense with them. So why do I react to it now? Because I'm no longer just a student living on my own - now I'm a grown-up and I can not agree with being treated as the high-school me. I have my own family, I have a job, I live in an apartment I helped decorate... I have my own life and I'm about to become a parent. This means I get assertive when I'm not being treated as an adult. So it DOES have something to do with pregnancy, but not with hormones. My self perception has changed so much that I am no longer able to accept being treated as the child who left home 6 years ago. This means there will probably be a few more fights with my family in the near future - they will force me into the old role and I will fight my way out of it. They won't expect it and there will be tension but it can not be avoided. Things will finally settle and in 10-20 years all of us will have pleasant adult relationships with assumed mutual respect. Our children will play together and all will be well.