We moved last weekend.

We started packing on Friday morning, moved the boxes to our new rental apartment on Saturday morning and we had unpacked nearly everything by Sunday afternoon. We moved from a furnished 2-room apartment (bedroom+ everything else + 2 in 1 bathroom) to a fully furnished 4-room apartment (3 bedrooms + living room + amazing kitchen + dining area + bathroom + sauna and shower room + walk-in closet for storage). The best part - rent is only 33% bigger than before due to the changes in real estate prices.
We settled in really fast. I'm not just talking about picking out a drawer for medicine and another one for pens and paper. Almost immediately after unpacking we knew where we had put all our stuff. I can't recall even one time when I would think, "where the heck did I put ... ?" and frantically run around the apartment opening random cupboards and drawers.

That's because there are SO MANY cupboards and drawers here. Everything got it's own perfect little place. Now we actually DO have a medicine drawer, not a medicine/make-up/hair-styling/gloves/keys drawer.

This sort of things make life a lot easier. Another cool thing is the walk-in closet I mentioned earlier. We now have a place for nearly everything, even the things that
go nowhere. We didn't have to tug a tent and sleeping bags under a bed. We don't even have to keep the vacuum cleaner "hidden" in the bedroom corner. Both have their very own place in the storage closet. It's really only a detail, but it makes a huge difference in clutter control! Everything "extra" is out of sight and this makes living here much more enjoyable.
The people who lived here before us were total clutter monkeys! During the first couple of days here I kept finding pointless clutter. Have you seen that colored rubber that's used for drawing on glass? Well I removed very clumsy glass drawings from three rooms and left a couple of drawings untouched in the fourth. I also removed a newspaper cut-out of a very average-looking kitten taped on the wallpaper, a toothpaste advertising poem sticker on the bathroom mirror, a Christmas potpourri from under the kitchen sink, fake grass in a white plastic cup in the bathroom, free cheese sticker on the kitchen cupboard door and
-the best for last- two tiny fruit stickers (e.g. "product of Spain") from a sleek metal post in the kitchen. I mean, WHO DOES THAT?

It definitely doesn't make the kitchen any prettier. It's a compulsion to never throw junk away and it takes great skill to hide such junk to an otherwise very pretty home.
Our electronics is not adjusted to this place at the moment. Our computers work and we have basic Internet connection but THERE IS NO INTERNET IN THE LIVING ROOM!!! This means no XBox Live and no online video clips on the TV-screen. How did the previous occupants manage?! There's not even a phone cord here which means the previous people didn't have digital TV-channels either. Or perhaps I'm looking at the whole thing from the minority viewpoint.

I bet most people would find it odd that our household doesn't have a regular television cord. There is a TV-plug in the wall but no way to get the signal into the TV.

That means I can play all the Guitar Hero I want but no Orpah for me.
I love-love-LOVE the kitchen. I have so much space and I especially love the oven!

For one and a half years I have managed without home made pies and oven-baked salmon. Now I'm baking like crazy and I often over-eat. I'm currently excited about chocolate chip cookies that I made and I'm wondering how much chocolate I could add to the dough before it all falls apart. As a scientist in the making, I have come up with a solution to this enigma: EXPERIMENTATION. I'm just gonna have to re-make the cookies to optimize chocolate content. So much for a healthy home cooked meal.
Baby handled the change in surroundings quite well. It only took a couple of days for her to stop ogling at the curtains, the couch, the table and all the other REALLY WEIRD things around her. She still sleeps in her own bed in our room so there's not much difference there. Actually when I said "sleeps" I was grossly exaggerating the reality. I appears she's getting her first tooth - she has a wide white bump where the first tooth should appear and she is acting like a classic teething baby. During the day she's distracted by her toys but at night she wakes up nearly every hour and she cries inconsolably until I feed her. My body is adjusting to it.
-Yawn- I am extremely clumsy and a little disoriented but I feel surprisingly good considering how often I wake up.
There is one weird thing with the apartment: I constantly imagine rooms being switched around. When Erkki walks past me from the living room to the bedroom I make a mental note, "Erkki's in the kitchen". My mental
map of the apartment of all screwed up. Actually there's another weird thing as well: I often get creeped out when I'm in the shower-sauna room. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up when I stand by the sink and I get an eerie feeling like someone's standing behind me in the dark sauna. I think I've been watching too much "Supernatural" series. Or maybe there is a local ghost here and he's upset about the toothpaste advertising sticker that I removed.
Anyway, the apartment is great.

It's exactly what we were looking for and even more.
Baby Update: She'll be 5 months old in a week. She can roll over on soft surface. Feeding her on the bed has become hilarious because she usually turns over to her stomach the moment I place her on the bed. This makes me laugh and then she giggles in response. One time she liked this game so much that she ended up eating while lying on her stomach. Baby can roll to her back only when her arm doesn't get in the way but she still needs a little help turning to her stomach on hard surface. Her crawling is also progressing. When she's feeling active she wriggles very vigurously on her stomach. However she's still doing something wrong because she moves only an inch or two and the direction (forth vs backward) is completely random.