The tooth finally showed itself this Saturday. Ah, I'm so relieved.
My science stuff just hits one iceberg after another. My progress isn't really what I'd be proud of but I'm keeping it afloat. The entire project has had a few setbacks which makes it feel like I'm where I was a year ago. I just gotta suck it up, ignore this feeling and just keep on going until something comes out of it - anything, either good or bad. I wouldn't want to write a bad article but postponing won't make it any better, that's for sure.
Baby Update: at her 6-month check-up baby was 8160g and 66cm. I wonder who designs baby clothing!? Most of her clothing is size 68/72 and tends to be too short for her. Doctor was very pleased with her development - baby rolls to stomach and back, crawls 360 degrees, but not much forward. She has two lower middle teeth. She has tried cauliflower, zucchini, apple, potato, carrot. Carrot is her favourite so far. She made a "ewwwwww"-face at cauliflower and potato but happily ate the rest of them.
Me and Erkki picked out an adorable eating chair and ordered it. I also found cool baby food bowls which open up and I can add warm water inside them so it keeps baby food warm. A nifty gadget I just had to have. Uhm, I mean, BABY had to have...
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