The title says it all. There is very little to enjoy in having so little freedom. For the last months, I've had about 2 hours of free time per day until I have to go to sleep. Sometimes just one hour. Sometimes even that is interrupted by Liisa waking up or Siiri being too hungry to fall asleep. It's horrible.

When I'm in the lab, there is always so much to do and time runs out all too fast. But when I'm at home, I find myself counting hours to bedtime, although I know it won't help because tomorrow is just as bad. Time at home is usually just tasks to keep the children occupied and in schedule, with little quality time and very little sense of freedom.
I'm really not cut out for this. I've had to change my behavior a lot to become more similar to the kind of mother I think I'm supposed to be. When I get angry, my natural response is to get aggressive and expressive, but that's not appropriate for a good mother so I learned to become frustrated in stead.

Then I learned to become passive aggressive and now I've learned to become numb. When Siiri has a tantrum, I shut myself down mentally. I force myself to stay calm. I've also learned new behavior when having conversations with children. By nature, I'm a very frank person. Before, when a child did something unimpressive (e.g. draw an ugly picture or sing badly) and they came to me seeking praise, I just smiled awkwardly and hoped they go away.

Now I have learned to fake emotions much better. I can have repetitive conversations with pretended enthusiasm. How many times can you answer the same questions without resorting to "Who cares?! Besides, I've already told you!". Well, I've answered some questions dozens of times.
Behaving in a way that is unnatural for a person, tends to backfire occasionally. I can spend days and weeks talking with kids in a gleeful manner but every once in a while I suddenly feel like I'm not really a person anymore.

I just do the right tasks with the right emotion at the right time. I get really sad at how little control I have over my own life and needs and wants. I just want to play games on Xbox and I haven't even finished Assassin's Creed Revelations, which we have had for a year already. Mother's aren't really people anyway. They're more like robots with only one objective: raise children well. The same can't be said for fathers. When a child wears dirty clothing, people blame the mother. When Siiri's kindergarten group had a Christmas present vote, 13 parents had eventually voted, none of them fathers. Bunch of women doing what the society expects of them while men get a free pass not to care about such small things.
As progressive and helpful as Erkki is, I still spend more hours at home and I'm in charge of the majority of chores and I get to spend a lot of time with the kids. I'm supposed to be jumping with joy: "YAY, I get to spend hours and hours with my kids" but the less time I'm stuck here babysitting, the more likely I am to do it with honest joy. I sometimes think I would be better at the male role. I'd love to have many children - at least 4, but I don't want to be the one mothering them.

I'd be okay with being a father of 4. Coming home after a busy day at work, greeting the kids, helping out at home and collecting social points for anything I do at home. When a man walks outside with a baby, he gets praise from everyone, if it's a woman, it's just expected of her anyway. It's the same with so many tasks I can't even count them. If the living room floor isn't vacuumed (and is really dirty), it's the wife who is held responsible, even if the husband and wife work equal hours and the vacuuming is the husband's chore. I'm not any better either. When I saw some dust in someone else's home, I suddenly assumed, "she's probably really busy". I'm kind of ashamed that I didn't think "they are busy" or even "he is busy"?
I can't possibly be the only person to hate being confined by all these tiny obligations all the time, but when I googled motherhood and prison, I only found stories of inmates having babies and missing out on wonderful motherhood.

I'm starting to wonder if prisoners have more freedom than mothers! At least they can read books and have their own thoughts and opinions and emotions! If the tasks of motherhood were really written down, I'm sure they would violate all work laws (work and rest time balance, chance to finish a meal, even opportunity to go to the bathroom or to wash up). I suspect, at times, the tasks of motherhood would also violate human rights (not allowed to sleep, being mistreated and screamed at, sometimes even attacked physically). I'm only talking at what the kids do. Erkki is great. Simply, I often wish he was the mother so I had the social right not to notice when Liisa needs new clothes or Siiri needs a picture for kindergarten or the carpet needs to be vacuumed. Because I really would have better things to do, but I can't! I don't have time to spend on myself so I'm becoming less and less of a person. I feel myself disapprearing and my worth decreasing. I used to be an active person, now I just tend to the kids and I'm bad at the obligations that the kindergarten expects of me. I hope I'm not the only MOTHER who hasn't yet sent a picture of Siiri so they can put it in their birthday calendar. OMG, they found yet another task for women to do, so they'd have less attention to think about their work and also another reason to feel like a failure.
Maybe I'm exaggerating with the work laws and human rights, but not by much. It's customary for women to pretend to enjoy spending nearly all "free"

time dealing with kids. I'm tired of it. I'm optimistic when I walk to the lab and I get more and more gloomy when I walk home and think of entertaining kids until it's dinner time and time to put them to bed. Siiri and Liisa are great, except for temper tantrums and such, but it's crazy how much work it is to maintain them! If both me and Erkki are at home with kids for one day, we only get a few hours of time when one of us can take a break. If only one is at home, then there will be moments where it's impossible to get everything done and there isn't a moments rest when even one kid is awake. Besides, there are so many temper tantrums, I've become afraid doing anything with Siiri and I get tense if she even raises her voice a little.

It's sometimes such a struggle not to scream back.
I love my children dearly, but I'm starting to think that it takes a helluva lot of self-brainwashing for a woman to convince herself daily, that motherhood is rewarding and the good times outweigh the bad times. No. Being a mother sucks. It's awful. It's tedious non-stop work, with little benefit. All mistakes being noticed and all successes being attributed to the children. The amount of enjoyment that has to be given up is much greater compared to the positive emotion of seeing a child smile in between her horrible tantrums. Again, I don't regret having children because for me it isn't a full life without family evenings and the possibility of grandchildren. Too bad I had to sacrifice all freedom and myself to live my vision of my perfect life.
PS! During writing this post while kids were in bed and it was my "free time", I was interrupted about 6 times times by kids, mostly by Liisa waking up crying, but also Siiri being "too hungry to sleep" two hours after dinner and also waking up and crying non-stop for nearly 30 minutes because she wanted a piece of paper being thrown in the bin and did not believe that it had already been done.
Edited to add: recommended reading:
All Joy and No Fun: Why parents hate parenting.
I am glad to see that at least some mothers dare to be honest and talk about the dark face of the motherhood.
I am a mother to be...nd m 8months down...but m already hating this pregnancy...guess I am going to be a very bad mother...
DeleteYikes. And this is why I'm never having kids and got myself fixed...
ReplyDeleteBut, you know, if you just LET societal expectations walk all over you in your OWN relationship... it's sort of far-fetched for you to complain about it.
You can re-tool your own relationship, regardless of what society expects you to do. If you don't think he's doing his fair share, do something about it.
Motherhood absolutely sucks. When I did not have a child, my friends who did would say "Oh, there is nothing better..." blah blah blah, and I always thought to myself how it sounded like they were trying to convince themselves of something. Hmmnn. I guess they were. It sucks. 100% sucks. If I could get my life back the way it was, I would, but no returns.
ReplyDeleteThis reminds me of the story of those people who are immersed in a pool of cold water and ask the ones who are out to come in by saying "come on, the water is warm."
DeleteThank you for this
ReplyDeleteIt's been some time since I wrote it and I've found a trick that greatly improves motherhood: have older children. :D So basically - some developmental stages are worse than others but the older the better. Now Siiri (4 y.o.) is already having tantrums a little less often and Liisa (1.8 y.o.) can get her own drink of water and no longer needs for me to be by her side at all times. They can already fall asleep with the nanny or grandmother in the evening when we go out and I also have much more freedom when I'm at home with kids. The really cute family moments also happen much more often now that the kids are more independent and we are less stressed. It's slowly getting better every month (except teething months ;)).
ReplyDeleteI have been a mother for 35 and 1/2 years. IT sucks, It never gets any better no matter what age group they are in. You never get any thanks . You dedicate your entire adult life to taking care of brats needs and when you get old , they abandon you. Take it from me , DON'T HAVE CHILDREN !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWow, now u scared me. I thought they would get better as they get older but oh well....I've already accepted that my life is ruined.
DeleteIt's quite a problem that there is no guarantee that the child will be by your side when you're old. Even when there are good relations between the children and the parents, the kid might decide to move to another country for other reasons. So much is expected from the parents without any promise that anything will be returned in the long run. I wish I can some day see grandchildren but I will not bet that my children will ever decide to have children of their own. That's a tough side of parenthood. That's why it's important not to "dedicate your life" to taking care of children. Your children are living the only childhood that they will ever have but your are living the only adulthood that you will ever have. If the kids move out and the mother is 50 years old and only starting her own life, then the life if already gone and there is very little to salvage. Make sure you make some choices for your (and your husband's) benefit because your children will not thank you for living a miserable life and blaming them for it.
DeleteDitto. I honestly wish I could go back in time and do everything differently. I didn't mind 'em so much when they were young, but the minute they turned 16, they have been seriously getting on my nerves. I really can't stand being around my adult children!
DeleteDitto. I honestly wish I could go back in time and do everything differently. I didn't mind 'em so much when they were young, but the minute they turned 16, they have been seriously getting on my nerves. I really can't stand being around my adult children!
DeleteDitto. I honestly wish I could go back in time and do everything differently. I didn't mind 'em so much when they were young, but the minute they turned 16, they have been seriously getting on my nerves. I really can't stand being around my adult children!
DeleteMy oldest daughter is 6 now. I love both my kids, but I have NO life of my own now. I have to listen to her complain about being bored, not having enough fun, etc; and the whole time I'm thinking "well I haven't had time for myself in 6 years!" I am a stay at home mom, which basically equates to slave labor. My husband talks about how "lucky" I am and how I don't have to work hard at all. If only he knew... Days like this I wish I would have just joined the marines after high school, at least I would get some respect! (I get none at my house) :(
ReplyDeleteI relate to this so much! I HATE when my husband says how "lucky" I am and how jealous he is that I "get" to stay home with the baby. I would kill for just once being able to pee without it causing a tantrum, even when I carry her with me and manage everything one-handed. My basic human needs are impossible to meet. I sure do not feel "lucky" to be a slave to my 1yo boob monster 24/7.
DeleteKris, your blog made me giggle. Glad to hear that things have improved with age. Ages 2-4 are sooo challenging. I used to be a nanny & I remember! I have an 18 month at home so I have yet to live with it though. I often struggle with suppressing my anger but even on the worst day, when my little girl is soundly sleepy, I thank god for the gift of being a parent.
ReplyDeletethank you for this :)
DeleteEvery word of this is the most dead-on, ridiculously correct and absolutley truthful thing I have read about parenting as of today. I'm a dad btw and try to help whenever possible and still feel this way. Can't imagine how the women must feel!
ReplyDeleteP.S. not trying to be rude in the slightest, but the backround puts a bit of strain on the eyes while reading. Just a friendly fyi, enjoyed the post!
Deletethanks for the tip. I changed to the black and white background when I was feeling particularly gloomy. Things have somewhat improved so I found a more blissful background. I had already been thinking of changing it when I read your comment. :)
DeleteThis is me... You wrote everything I think about motherhood. Just worn out:-(
ReplyDeleteGod. Im glad I googled I suck at being a parent because I had bo idea that other people felt this way. Noone ever talks about this. They say that it is hard but worth it. But its not that kind of hard where its like I am growing as a person Its like just fucking tense and depressing and endless most days. But you're not allowed to say that.
ReplyDeleteIm a single mum who moved away to the city to try and get my shit together im in the worst frame of mind that I have ever been in.
I assumed that I would be capable of this but im not.
OMG, single parent. Good luck. As much as I whine about the difficulties of parenting, I do sometimes remember to think of the bigger picture. My kids are healthy (if you don't count Siiri's childhood night terrors), my husband has a good job so we can afford babysitters (although finding a good one is very difficult), I live in Estonia where we have 18 months of "parent's wage" (same as our income before the kid), our parents help out a lot and so on. I'm the lucky parent and it's tough as hell. I really can't imagine how it is for you. (sorry). Hang in there and remember that the kid will grow up no matter what you do. And it really does get easier when the kid is 4 to 5 years old.
DeleteTo anyone who read this blog post and agreed with parts of it, I recommend a book that is just awesome. All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood by Jennifer Senior.
ReplyDeleteI just read it a couple of weeks ago and it is well researched and offers conclusions from many scientific studies, which show that if you feel overwhelmed (and unhappy) about the reality of parenthood, you are among the majority! It also gives insight about family dynamics after having kids. I really recommend it.
This is by far the most accurate and spot on writings I've read yet about mother hood. I have a 15 month old. It's one of those days where it just hit me... I'm no longer a PERSON. I used to be a musician, travel all over for fun, do anything I wanted- yoga and dance parties alone in the morning and bars or school or cleaning te house at night. I used to be AWESOME, fun, I felt pretty , my social life was terrific for a 36 year old, I was free free free and an artist artist artist. I had no idea having a baby would take all of that - or 94% of it -AWAY from me . I am
ReplyDeleteNot a person anymore. I am a worryer. All I do is worry that in the next moment or in the 45 seconds my son is out of my sight that he might die. He choked on a grape the other day. It was horrific, I did a Heimlich type manouver out of instinct. Thank god it worked. All he does is get into EVERY SINGLE THING HE ISN'T SUPPOSED to. Toys? We have a million (all gifts from people that I didn't necessarily even want) but he has no interest hardly in them. He needs constant consant supervision and attention and I'm beat. I love him to death and I don't take motherhood back, I wanted it, but yes my fellow
Mom friends must have been lying. Then again I've seen many friends have baby daughters and they are about 29 times less energy-filled
Than my 29 pound son. I love him so so much, I do, I truly adore him. But I WANT A TEEEEEEENSY SLICE OF MY LIFE BACK. Thanks for making me feel like less of a freak since you took the words out f my mouth.
Thanks for posting this.. My mother has been trying to convince me to have children for the longest time. She always said if I don't have children I'll die alone and no one will take care of me when I'm old. But wasting my youthful and healthy years on raising a child just isn't worth it. I'm so glad I read this post because all I hear from people is how great parenting is. I'll continue using my birth control.
ReplyDeleteActually despite the annoyance of taking care of little children, I do think that having children was the right choice for me and I feel like without children I would miss out on so much, including pancake mornings or children (now 2 and 5 yo) giggling in unison when they both managed to occupy my pillow and saw me enter the room looking for my pillow (both things happened today). Already it's tons of cuteness. Having children is basically a different life track. For a while it's truly horrible and I really pity people who have small children. But after that it gets better and better. As for missing out on youth, I do see that I am having children much younger than my friends. I was 24 when I got pregnant with my first. I did have a hard time being both young and a mother at the same time. It somehow ended up being okay. Over-all, I am glad I had children at an early age and when someone tells me that it was the best time when children were babies, I think they are lying, or perhaps they did enjoy it more than I did. People are different. :)
DeleteMy sons just over 2 months with silent reflux and Im a 30 year old single mum, so its not all sunshines and rainbows for me right now.
ReplyDeleteA piece from Steven King's 'The Tommyknockers' spoke to me - where Bobbi Anderson is mourning the loss of her own identity as The Tommyknocker one overwhelms it.
Thats how I feel - like 'Mama' is swallowing 'Me' whole and theres only The Mama identity left.
When Bub sleeps (if hes not refluxing bad and doesnt wake up every ten mins) Im so busy steralising bottles, cleaning the house, prepping the change table etc that I dont have time to sleep let alone do anything I want.
Im an outdoors person but I cant go out if hes asleep in his cot so Im trapped in the house. If I go out then he wont sleep in the pram and he gets over tired and cranky when I get home.
I expected to sacrifice being gothic to dress normally - life style changes you know? And I knew Id be a good mother BUT I did not realise that you lose your entire identity to be one. No one told me that.
Plus commando crawling to bypass the cot when you left an item behind was another thing I'd have liked info on.
My marriage fell apart because of my child. My career is in the *ss and my life is a complete disaster. I am just a child-caring slave who has no time or energy for herself or anything else for that matter. I love my kid but I to be honest I wish I never had any. Every time I remember what an awesome life I used to have before having a kid I cry. I never wanted to have kids but my parents kept bugging me about it and I am starting to hate my parents for pushing me into this crap. Having a kid is the biggest mistake of my life.
ReplyDeleteIt will get better. And I do hope you can get your parents to babysit the child often. If they kept pressuring you into having a child then you can "return the favor" by having them babysit as often as possible. ;)
DeleteI get that this is an old article, but still... don't forget that there are dads who feel the way you did too. Not all men get off easily. I was the lowest of the two incomes in our marriage, and I'm a stay at home dad.
ReplyDeleteI never wanted kids. My wife never let me know she wanted them until we'd been together for a couple of years, and I had about a 3 month window when I thought it might not be so bad. I got along with my nieces and nephews... how bad could it be?
My son is 1 now. And in spite of all I'm going to write, I'm doing a good job as his dad. I'm his favorite - it's nothing against him. But parenting is an awful fit for me. I used to be one of the happiest people I knew, in very good shape. But over the last 18 months I've gained nearly 30 pounds. I'm on anti-depressants. I'm just disgusted with myself and I've regressed in nearly every imaginable way... I'm not the same person at all.
You brought this up as a gender issue. Honestly I don't feel sorry for most of you women because in general, you're the ones that push for this. A lot of men get tricked into parenting or get their arms twisted by women that they love. We have no reproductive rights at all. Sure, if you as a woman had it pushed, forced, or you were coerced then I feel bad, but for those that pushed for this path I have no sympathy at all for your plight now.
You know, all I wanted in life was to play video games, stay fit, read books and have my two cups of tea a day. I'm a quiet guy who likes alone time. I wanted a similar companion to live with and a fairly comfortable income. That's it. Was that so unreasonable? But every woman I ever dated eventually whipped out the white picket fence and two kids stuff on me. All of them without exception. In the past, I ended a relationship of 8 years over it. And now, I dropped my guard for three months and now I'm here.
Like I said, I'm my son's favorite. I love the kid but the lifestyle is absolutely miserable. It isn't me at all. I don't know how I'm going to do 18 more years of this but there aren't any other options besides leaving, and I can't put my son in that position.
If you're reading this, and your partner is pushing for kids and you're not into it or not sure, tell them to go F themselves. Seriously, stick to your guns because once the process starts, there's no going back.
My mother always said how awful having kids was and I had a miserable childhood because she hated the whole process and was mentally ill into the bargain, and my Dad just wasn't interested (I was an only child and not much welcomed, I presume).
DeleteIt was suggested during my marriage (now dissolved) that I have kids, but I stuck to my guns about NOT having them - I have a fear of pregnancy and hate kids screaming - and am very glad I never had any (nearly 42 now) - although I probably WOULD have wanted them if my own family hadn't been so damn miserable and I'd met the right man...probably the ideal all us women hanker after!
My fiance pushed for babies so I finally gave in. What a mistake she is 6 months old and a terror all she does is cry and spit up due to reflux. He is always out of work so there's never any money and when he does work he spends a majority of the money on himself. I'm lucky if I get 3 hours of sleep at night and he won't help he plays video games all day. I have to cut my own hair now I need new clothes but he blows money on video games and then we're broke. All the money I had saved got spent on baby items because he wants kids but doesn't want to take care of her. I don't get any time to myself its taking care of a fussy baby that rarely sleeps. In the very little time she's not crying I have to do household chores cleaning up after him and his dad who are slobs. I resent him for doing nothing for me at least he could hold a job after all he refuses to let me work. He will hold every once in a while for like 5 minutes if she crystal at all he hands her back to me and tellsme to deal with it. He gets praised tho in those few moments when she may crack a smile. The funniest shit is he says he wants 5 more. Yeah right if I could go back in time and make it so we never had her I would.
ReplyDeleteWhat a horrible, horrible man. I would dump his useless ass then sue him to hell for child support.