Being pregnant with your first child is scary. And even worse with people reminding you that parenting changes everything from your hobbies to your friends. I used to think childbearing isn't a disease and a child at home shouldn't be a heavy weight holding a woman back. Many mothers told me, "you will see. It will happen to you too," but I refused to believe that. And then it happened to me.
I've been reading about different ways to induce labour. There are quite many activities and herbs that are supposed to help induce labour. I'm not sure why I read about it. I wouldn't want to go over the due date but I wouldn't mind being pregnant until week 40. Differently from most pregnant women I'm not in any pain or major discomfort so I'm not in any hurry to give birth. However, I am getting quite curious whether the baby is going to be like I imagine her and I'm looking forward to finding out that labour went well and me and the baby are both healthy. I am in some distress because the current situation is out of my control. The baby will "tell" my body when she is ready to be born and then contractions will eventually start. It doesn't depend on my decisions... But it would be easy to get back this feeling of control by inducing the labour myself with raspberry leaf tea, castor oil or driving on a bumpy road. I have to fight the temptation to start trying which induction methods work. I think I'll leave those until after week 40.
I haven't worked a minute this week! Yay for me! ...I shouldn't mention that it's only Monday. And it still doesn't mean I'm relaxed in front of the TV. Today I went shopping - I got some fabric which is good enough for a swaddling blanket. I went to the hairdresser's and had my haircut freshened because all the pregnancy-websites kept telling me to "pamper" myself and to go to a hairstylist because I "won't have any time for it for a LONG time after labour." I also bought new sporty walking shoes although if I trust those pregnancy websites, I won't have time to use those for quite some time either.
My hospital bag is packed. I thought it would be just a couple of things but the list just got longer and longer. Hand-written birth plan for the midwife in case I'm not in the mood to talk much, shoes, socks, baby clothing, different small stuff (e.g. pacifier, baby nail scissors) and of course FOOOOOOD! I have 2 different kinds of hematogen bars(cow's blood snack bar), sesame seed honey bar, peanut honey bar, nut and raisin mix. I think I still need to get some beef jerky just in case I'm in the mood for something salty. Labour is definitely not the time to start a low-calorie diet. I mostly want a big selection and I don't want to risk going hungry. I still think pizza is the best food for labour because it's high in calories and high in cheese content (yumm!!!). My plan hasn't changed thought - I'm going to eat real food before I even go to the hospital and, if we have time, I might send Erkki to the store anyway to get some pizza as well. All that food in the hospital bag is just for emergency.
I was browsing through a health food book in the book store and found a food pyramid inside. I've heard of ridiculous but that was just absurdly stupid. The first and largest level of the pyramid was grains - pictures of white rice, bread, crackers, pop corn and other kinds of food THAT MAKES PEOPLE FAT AND SICK. The second level was fruits and vegetables (also mostly carbohydrates), and then on the third level was the "KINDA UNHEALTHY" food that you should eat in small portions - meat, fish eggs, milk products. And then there was the "SUPER UNHEALTHY" level containing all the essential fats. I remind you that many vitamins aren't even absorbed if there's no fats in diet. My idea of a proper food pyramid is very different. The first level should be (unprocessed) fruits and vegetables (except potatoes). Canned pineapple is a sugary treat not a fruit. The second level is proteins - meat, fish, cheese, other milk products, eggs. Can't avoid getting most of the calories from the second level because meat is just way more calorie dense than vegetables and that's a good thing because I wouldn't want to get too many calories from carbs anyway! The third level is good fats - nuts, oily fish, extra virgin olive oil. This is at least as important as the first and second level, but people often ignore the essential fats, so it deserves its own layer. And the fourth level - avoid when possible - is potatoes and grains: bread, crackers, rice, etc.
Heey, I'm not saying I follow a healthy diet. I often indulge on bread with cheese, dark bread with meat, nice white rice with fish. I add sugar to my coffee because it makes it so much tastier. I eat muesli or porridge for breakfast because carbs taste so good in the morning. When offered I gladly eat chocolate. I love smoothies containing ice cream, frozen berries and sweet fruit juice. But sometimes days go by without even a serving of bread, rice or potatoes and I know I have reason to be really proud of myself because I have been eating healthy. And I don't even try to count how many grams of fat that fried pork contained or how many calories I got from those nuts. But when I eat crackers and pop corn , I will definitely not pat myself on the back for "following a healthy food pyramid"!
Absolutely everything makes me think I'm gonna give birth ANY MINUTE NOW. There's so many minor signs listed on Internet, so many things to observe. Some of the signs I've noticed in the last couple of days indicate that it will happen in 2 hours to 2 weeks, some indicate that it will happen in 24 hours (alternatively just a coincidence), some indicate that it will happen within a week. There's no contractions yet. There's just a bunch of details that have hinted of a labour in the near future. Now that I know that the baby is "ready", I definitely read too much into all details. Somehow I still don't think that this baby is willing to wait until after due date. It will either be early or right on time.
One time I was just sitting with a group of friends and for a moment my mind started to wander. Suddenly I realized my labour COULD start. Just there and then. My heart skipped a beat or two and I felt myself going pale in my face. SPOOOOKY! But maybe I still have a few weeks...
And how's the baby doing? She's totally enjoying it! The Ultimate Acti-Baby!!! She has been working out non-stop for 3 days already. She never seems to sleep during the day. And she doesn't just wriggle her little toes; she gets in position and pushes her legs as straight as possible. Then she relaxes a moment and repeats. And she does this for HOURS! Then she changes position and chills out for an hour and then does some other kind of exercises for a couple of hours. At night she either sleeps or maybe I'm too busy sleeping to notice her work-out. She's like a little Rambo. I'm just glad she doesn't hit me like Rambo would.
The week is ending and I should mention about my success with not working anymore... Well.. actually I could in stead mention my LACK of success in this area. Monday and Tuesday I spent working. I was either in the lab or going around town due to work reasons. Wednesday and Thursday I did some work on my computer at home. But now I think I'm basically done. There's more stuff I COULD do, but I don't think I will. Especially because I want to chill out before the baby comes and like I said - that could be ANY MOMENT NOW!
My husband calls me "the worst pregnant woman ever" because I fail to slouch on the couch and demand for ice cream in the middle of the night. He also grunted at me for being physically more active than him while just a couple of weeks shy of 9 months pregnant.
I've been trying to buy some simple soft cloth to make a swaddling blanket. Swaddling is a technique for relaxing a tiny infant. It's another word for wrapping a baby in a blanket so that they feel warm and secure. This helps them feel safe and helps them sleep for longer. It's supposed to be a square blanket with 110-120 cm side length. I haven't seen it sold anywhere, so I'll make it myself. I need very light fabric because it's getting quite warm outside. I'm sure my baby would hate to be wrapped in wool in the summer heat. And it has to be very nice and soft against baby's skin. I visited a HUGE fabric store that seemed to have a very wide selection. On closer look it was full of rough ugly non-stretch fabric. I spent over half an hour searching and I just couldn't find anything that would work. I'm gonna have to go back and ask if the salesperson could help me find the right thing.
Actually I was gonna visit the fabric store yesterday and I was all ready to go out when I got sidetracked. I started to arrange books in the bookshelf so that they look nicer. Then I noticed a couple of books that looked dusty, so I got the duster. I lifted out books and arranged them by height and color. I'm not much of a reader myself so that seems like a good enough way to arrange books! That's not entirely as bad as picking a car because it's "cute and red". Book design usually tells a lot about it's content!
I arranged the books and I was pretty happy with myself because it looked a lot nicer this way, but suddenly I realized it could be nesting instinct!!!! Nesting instinct comes a few days before labour! Yesterday I also vacuumed. That in itself isn't anything special. I sometimes do that and we had people coming over. But I suddenly found myself rearranging the couch to get rid of that annoying dust line that the vacuum cleaner never quite reaches. I mean, what's up with that?! It's been there for quite some time and I was always happy to ignore it. And then there was the soap-line in the bath tub that had really been bugging me for a few days already and today I made the bath all shiny. I think I'm in trouble! Not much time left!
...but maybe I just finally have some time to make the home tidy because I'm finally starting my maternity leave. Maybe it's not nesting at all. Who knows...
You have no idea how long I've waited to give the blog post this name. And now that I have been pregnant for 37 weeks, I can officially say: Chicken's Done!
What I mean by this is that the little chick is finally full term. If I were to give birth now, it would no longer be classified as premature birth. Usually people give birth at the 40th week, but a couple of weeks before or after isn't unusual at all. Most women tend to give birth a little later. In 3 weeks I will be jumping up and down to try and shake the baby out. But for now, I'm in no hurry to go into labour.
3 weeks is a really short time! I have to do some more maternity-shopping! It's quite difficult to imagine that everything will change soon. I can't REALLY imagine being a mother. It feels so surreal to think about it.
Yesterday (Wednesday) was an important day - I had an exam in the morning, so now I'm finished with classes for this semester, and I spent a few hours in the lab cleaning out my desk and computer. I made sure I have back-ups of my experiments on the institute hard drive. I dusted my desk and cleared it out so other people could use it while I'm gone. When I finally walked out of the lab it felt so significant. I almost heard a dramatic "hummmmmmmm " as I turned off the light and closed the door behind me.
I also turned in the paper that says I'm off duty starting from a week ago. The secretary smirked because she knew I had just spent hours doing Excel tables and charts. She had a baby recently so she knows how tired pregnant women get during their last month. Perhaps I did spend a bit too long working yesterday. My tummy was like a hard basketball for most of the day. This usually happens when I have physically exhausted myself too much. It's like a practice-contraction. Perfectly harmless and very common. But usually it doesn't last for such a long time.
So today I should relax and rest, right? Ummmm... Probably yes, but that's not what I did! I spent a few hours working on a website for the lab. It's a fun thing to do and I'm the only one qualified to make the necessary changes to this specific website but it's still work. I feel like I've been useful today, but I don't feel like I've been resting much. Don't blame my boss though - he offered that maybe I should give the website management to someone else because my due date is so close. I said it's not worth the effort. The website needs such minor updates now (especially after today). I can do this faster and better than anyone else.
Somehow improving the website is at least as satisfying as writing a blog post. I do something that has a clear visible effect that other people can see. I find expressing myself so satisfying that I used to dream about writing books when I was in high school. Then I realized that even I wouldn't read my books so I decided that such a plan has no future! Now I'll be writing science articles, so that's kinda similar to what I dreamed of doing. Unfortunately there's so much less creativity in writing those. In science, the creativity lies in asking new questions and coming up with ways to find the answer.
I think I want to take a real break from working soon. I've been taking it easy and trying not to exhaust myself too much, so I've been trying to do the bare minimum. But still I did some work each week during my 29 days of vacation in March and I was actively working yesterday and today - a week after my maternity leave officially started. You know what, if I spend 3 days per week planning and worrying about what I need to do and 2 days working, then it is still as exhausting as working the entire week. I need to draw the line and say - NO MORE WORK! I have 3 more weeks to rest before the baby is supposed to be born. I could find enough work for a very active month or two, so can't just "do a little bit" and expect to feel like I've done most of what I needed to do.
So that's decided then! No more work. I'm officially on maternity leave, so it's about time I start resting and relaxing. Well, except for the website updates (about 2 days of work)... and the scientific poster I have to create in the next couple of weeks (3 days of work)... But other than that, ...and some long work emails I just remembered (1 day)... it's time to really stop working! Maybe I should try to do all the work next week otherwise I'll spend the entire remaining 3 weeks in the horrible cycle of worrying for 3 days and working for 2 days and that's not good.
So basically my plan to stop working means I'll be working the entire next week from home. That plan kinda backfired! Note to self: I need to learn to rest and relax.
PS! I have not gained weight for 3 and a half weeks, but the baby has definitely got bigger and stronger. I'm quite pleased!
Here I am - home alone drinking alcohol-free apple cider from a crystal wine glass. Before pregnancy when I was home alone the whole day I bought the tastiest semi-sweet red wine and drank that. I watched the movies that Erkki would never voluntarily watch and drank the wine so slowly during many hours that I barely felt it's effect. I just enjoyed the taste and the fact that I don't have to share it with anyone. Alcohol-free cider isn't quite the same but it's a good compromise.
I had a very long week - I worked from Friday to Thursday, including through the weekend. I woke up early so many days in a row that I was really glad yesterday evening - I just loved the thought that I can sleep until noon if I want to. And I really wanted to! So I got comfortable and fell asleep. At 7 a.m. I woke up out of the blue. Suddenly I just wasn't sleepy anymore. I had slept like 5 hours only. I would have assumed that I have to go to the bathroom... or at least that the baby has finally started to wake me up with his kicks and nudges but neither was true. The baby was awake but she was in a really chill mood.
Then I thought - maybe I woke up only because the baby was awake! I have been thinking about the possibility that pregnant women are influenced by their belly baby's hormones. It is known that the baby is influenced by the mother's hormones. The mother and the baby share blood circulation - there is a barrier in between but hormones easily pass through it. The baby is affected by the mother's hormones, that I had read on Internet, but I think that the mother is actually also affected by the child's hormones! All the reactions are shared. It only makes sense! She is a complete living organism with her own hormones and (very primitive) thoughts. And if my hormones pass the placenta barrier and she feels the effects, then her hormones also pass the barrier and I feel the effects. We consume each other's mood-affecting "drugs". One woman said her behavior was very different during both her pregnancies - she had the characteristics of the child she was carrying. This means that when I woke up at 7 a.m. it was because the baby was awake. She was thinking active thoughts so I suddenly wasn't sleepy anymore either. Most pregnant women repeatedly wake up at the middle of the night during their third trimester. This could be one of the reasons.
The baby has been very active. Today she learned a new trick - she moonwalks on my ribs! Moonwalks as in the Michael Jackson dance step where he stood still or walked backward while stepping forward. The baby quite likes doing that, especially because it makes me move! I'm just relaxing when suddenly something appears under my ribs. You'd move too! She also likes playing "bicycle" on my belly. Tiny feet running under the skin - really cute!
Yesterday I was at a fun party with cool people. One girl held her hand on my belly to see if the baby will move. She moved a little, but not even close to some of her recent games. So we were talking while the hand was still on the belly and suddenly the baby stretched our her leg and ran it right across that area! Like a worm swimming under the girl's hand. She was so startled she screamed! I totally remember the first time the baby did that to me. I had the same reaction.
I wanna be a gremlin! I wouldn't think about labour at all!
I worked throughout the weekend. It feels like a Wednesday because today was the third early wake-up laboratory day and again I got home after 7 pm. You think I'm nuts to work so long at a weekend when nearly 8 months pregnant, but you haven't heard the worst of it - I'm also ill!
I've had a cold since Wednesday. At first my nose was feeling stuffy, then my throat hurt... I'm fairly certain I had a small fever too, but I was unable to confirm it. I have two thermometers at home - a regular quicksilver and an electronic one I bought because the package said it's fast and extremely simple to use. So I started with the simple one and it showed 35.5 C. I shook my head and tried it again... about five times!!! The best I got was 35.9 C. Then I took the conventional quicksilver thermometer, looked at the time, put it under my armpit and waited 10 minutes - guess what - it showed 35.2 C. I was like, "WTF?!" I tried it again and finally got 36.0 C and I'm sure I had a barely feverish 37.0. I gotta get me one of those meant-for-babies extremely simple thermometers for dummies. The one that takes no skill whatsoever to use.
So, what does a pregnant girl do in an abandoned laboratory for hours and hours on a weekend? The answer - crochet a dice bag! Of course I was working as well - I monitored the machines once every 20-50 minutes and at times I spent a couple of hours watering plants or other similar stuff, but I was in the lab for 8-9 hours straight three days in a row so there was a lot of downtime! And while I was making myself busy with handicraft I watched nutrition videos on youtube.
I am kinda obsessed with nutrition. I know very well how much casual food decisions can change my day. "Just a small piece of cake" makes me crave a soda 2 hours later and that soda makes me think about having pasta for dinner and that pasta will make me want to have a late night sweetened fruit yogurt. The cake itself has 300-400 kcal (worth every calorie) but the rest of the day is full of blood sugar highs and lows. I have a pretty low carb tolerance and I need to keep myself motivated to avoid eating too many carbs in my everyday diet. So I watched a biography of Dr Atkins. I had heard from many sources that he died overweight from a heart attack. "His own diet killed him," I was told. Actually he was walking too fast on a winter day, fell and hit his head, fell into a coma, and died some time after. He wasn't overweight but the bed regime caused him to have extreme water retention and that's the weight that was published to the press. Quite different, huh? And then I watched a few videos of Gary Taubes, the author of "Good Calories Bad Calories". He is just brilliant! He's an investigative journalist who stumbled upon some older nutrition studies. He was surprised with his findings so he wrote a review of the studies.
What he basically says is that carbohydrates have always been known as the fattening food. But then some nutrition experts got the idea that it's fat that makes people fat. They made a few studies which linked fat-consumption with heart disease and suddenly they turned the entire nutrition idea around - eat more carbs and less fat and you'll stay healthy and thin. Stores were soon filled with "low fat" foods, including low-fat cookies and fat-free pasta, which was nationally recommended as a healthy alternative to fatty foods. And soon after that USA was hit by epidemic obesity! As he was digging through literature, he found no valid proof that fat makes people fat. In stead, it is refined carbohydrates that are responsible for heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and many other health problems.
I was also watching a video about B vitamins and magnesium - many people are not getting enough of them and they get depression-like symptoms like fatigue, weakness, inability to sleep, muscle tension, etc. And then people turn to antidepressants just to get even more bad symptoms and side-effects. It was really exciting and interesting stuff. These "Nutrition by Natalie" videos are very good. I literally watched them for hours. I got some good heath tips from there. She's a healthy eater AND a meat eater. Cool!
I don't really know anyone who I can discuss nutrition with. I think I'm gonna have to find another nutrition-obsessed person as soon as possible. But until then, I can't resist an occasional excited monologue about the biochemistry of eating.
PS! 35 weeks pregnant, 5 weeks to go. Some pregnancy discomforts are beginning to annoy me. I get a nose bleed up to four times a day. I don't lose much blood and it's just a weak blood vessel thing - blood pressure is okay. And I'm feeling kinda short of breath lately. Now it's difficult to walk over 5km straight. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I have gained nearly 13 kg and I will probably gain two more so that's not so bad. And the belly has really grown! I still tie my own shoe laces but I often do a sloppy job and have to retie them ten minutes later.
Baby is active and fun. She's getting quite uncomfortable in there so she now likes to stretch her feet as high under my ribs as possible. When she gets restless it usually helps if I give her a back massage. I still think her movements are cute.