Lets be honest; the choices suck.
I kept voting for Reform Party because they are mainly concerned with advancing economy and money is the root of everything. They feel strongly about reducing costs in stead of taking loans. They even pulled Estonia through the global economic crisis without huge debts.
Having a kid has changed my world views more than I ever imagined, although the change has been so subtle that I didn't realize it for a long time. A couple of years ago I was nearly a right-extremist if such a thing exists. I felt strongly about every man for himself.
The change was subtle. When Siiri was very small I sometimes thought about mothers in third world countries and the high mortality rate of babies there. I thought about the poor little babies suffering from illnesses that are routinely cured here. Someone really should try to help them. How about all those 3-year olds crying because they are just so hungry and their parents don't have any food.
A while later I realized there are people in Estonia who are suffering from hunger as well. Although all children are entitled to free health care (Yay!), there is no law about making sure their parents can afford food. Lately many people have lost their jobs and food prices have gone up. Now all over the Internet, forums and news comments are describing the everyday lives of common Estonians. They barely have enough money to buy food but the rent is overdue and bills are piling up.
In 1991 Estonia started from the soviet union mindset, where people believed that the government has to provide people with job, apartment and everything they might need. From that time on, Estonia has been on a path towards free market and individual responsibility for one's own fate. Much like the American Dream - you either make it or you don't. Taxes are dropping and the prices of necessary things are going up. Already dental care is so expensive that cavity-free teeth are a luxury that most people simply can't afford. Waiting lists to see specialist doctors are extreme - with some problems you either wait for a year for the doctor to see you or you pay for a private visit. Essentially, even health care has been made into a luxury most people can't afford. This approach isn't working in the USA and I don't want Estonian health care to become anything like that. By the way, I'm very happy for USA for the discussion of the so-called ObamaCare health care reform.
So basically I think it's up to the country to make sure that free good quality health care should be provided to all working citizens or children. Poor people often end up doing the nastiest jobs that simply need to be done and the entire society should be responsible for patching up their various job-related illnesses. And when the poor lose their jobs and they have children then we can't tolerate letting the children starve.
I'm not so hard-core leftist that I would collect all money from all people and divide it equally.
Another issue I never used to think about is kindergarten availability. By law, all children are entitled to get accepted in kindergarten before they go to school. Unfortunately, the waiting lists are so long that some kids don't get accepted until they're 5 or 6 years old! Officials say, "well, that is before school." But what is the mother supposed to do? Not everyone can afford personal babysitters and some women have no choice but to postpone going to work. No point in spending time away from your child when all your wages go to the nanny. The mother might as well babysit her own kid. Or should the father stay at home? For equal rights, definitely, but that's usually not the way it goes. The mother sits at home, doesn't contribute as a working citizen, doesn't get any income, can't afford to spend money. Maybe she'll even apply for subsistence allowance to stay alive and she'll become a burden to the society, while she would be happy to go to work, if only she could put her kid in a kindergarten. It's such a stupid problem. It's not cheap to fix but it's well worth whatever costs. The current situation encourages poverty in families with small children, it encourages some people to be forced out of job market for so long that they won't be able to get back and it encourages inequality between sexes.
This kindergarten problem has been a heavy burden ever since I realized that by the time Siiri finally gets into kindergarten, I'll be at home with a little baby. So if I put Siiri in a kindergarten, I take away some poor woman's chance to finally go back to work. It will be so selfish of me not to give Siiri's place to another family whose dinners might depend on it. Yet I feel it's not something I should feel responsible for. I have also waited for years to finally introduce Siiri to children her age. Kindergarten will be so important for her social development. It simply feels wrong to tell Siiri, at the age of four, that she has no friends because some other lady might be more desperate to put her child in kindergarten. No, I can't punish Siiri for the government's mistakes. I shall punish the government - I will not vote for Reform Party.
During their time in charge they have done very little for the people. Their most important accomplishment in this area is mother's wages. After childbirth, a woman gets paid her normal wages for 18 months. This enables working women to have children and it encourages birth, especially among people with high income, as the maximum monthly wage is over $2500. This means that only stupid people with no monetary thinking have children before they're well-established in their careers and near age 40. I'm one of the poor suckers who got the minimum mother's wage last time and I'll get the minimum this time as well. No one wants healthy young people to have healthy babies. Obviously they want middle-aged women having fertility treatment to be able to have even one baby. Mother's wages with such a high maximum has a positive effect on birth rates for a while but in the end it encourages wrong kind of family planning.
So all-in-all I will give my vote to... dun-dun-dunn... Social democratic Party.
Okay, now I'm all warmed up after the cold shower and I feel much better now that I have decided who to vote for.
Wow, nice post :)
ReplyDeleteI agree that the society is judged by its attitude and assistance towards its poorest members, and that the smaller the gap, the safer and better the society is. You have good points up there :)
Just one thing I have been thinking about this progressive taxing: it should take into account the size of the family so that the higher tax rate will apply when the salary goes higher than xxx Euros _per family member_. (Picture a family of 6 and only one parent working with a relatively good salary.)
Another thing I find is that we need to follow the Finnish school system in that during the first 6 grades or so, a child can go to any school near his/her home without (his/her parents) fearing that the quality is considerably lower than that of the elite schools. Elite schools should not begin with the 1st grade but considerably later. In that sense, Treffner is the perfect example.
Well, there are certainly more points...
I for one fear that all those promises are just promises and at the end, other, more personal/pragmatic motivators than the well-being of our country and its citizens prevail. (Cynical or just realistic?) Just an example - ALL parties brought out the necessity to go through with the administrative reform to lessen the amount of local municipalities. Yet, no one has done it this far and I am 99% sure that it will not be done during the next 4 years either. I'll be surprised if it goes through.
(I have not made up my mind yet...)
Thanks for the comment. :)
ReplyDeleteMhh, yes, in big families it's common that only one parent works because the other parent is too tied up taking care of the kids. Then it makes sense to get tax reduction for having a large family.
And I agree that kids shouldn't be labeled smart/stupid before they get a chance to develop together. Otherwise it only compares how busy the parents have been at teaching the kid at home. Maybe the child will perform perfectly in school environment, except when surrounded by a bunch of kids well below his/her abilities. I've always felt that stupidity is contagious. Hoping that intelligence is contagious too, I seem to have surrounded myself with extraordinarily smart people... :D
ReplyDeleteRe the school topic - it also compares how much the parents have money (to pay for the extra pre-school tutoring, or to live near an elite regional school, in the context of Tallinn) or free time/flexible working time (to solve the logistic nightmare of transporting the children to those various "eelkoolid" and other activities).
Intelligence (at least the motivation to become smarter, which is not exactly the same, but in my view it certainly falls within the same category) is definitely contagious :)