Humans prefer to live within their comfort zone - nice temperature, nice food and comfortable clothing. Babies need to be kept at low temperature, fed bland food and dressed in fluffy clothing with buttons on their backs. Humans can sleep in whatever position they feel like. Babies have to sleep on their backs or on their side. And it's not "either on the back or on the side", it just really depends which country you live in. As a biologist it makes me want to divide babies into two subspecies: side-sleepers and back-sleepers.
For the first months of their existence, babies are allowed to eat and drink only milk. This is proof of BABY EVOLUTION as newborn babies used to need extra water, chamomile tea and fruit puree. Baby milk has to be produced from baby-safe food which has never caused an allergic reaction in any baby ever before, preferably the milk producer (a.k.a. mother) is to eat only rice and water. After 6 months babies start to eat extra baby food. You can make it yourself too - just take all the nasty healthy things from your kitchen that no human eats, then boil them and make a puree. Make sure you don't add anything that might make it tasty! I mean, you can offer a baby mashed potatoes but if you add a pinch of salt, milk, butter, or any other kind of flavoring that might make it tasty you can't feed it to a baby anymore.
Baby room temperature has to be 16 to 20 degrees because babies require many layers of full-body clothing at all times. Whenever they fall asleep they need to be quickly covered with a thick blanket (preferably either baby pink or baby blue otherwise the baby's head will explode from being introduced to colors other than pink and baby blue). Upon falling asleep, turn off ALL sound near the baby or if you wish, you can sing lullabies but no other kind of music. Baby's clothing has to be washed with water and baby safe washing powder, under no circumstances must normal household laundry washing be used on baby clothing. If you use cloth diapers, make sure you wash them, boil them and iron them after each use. Every pacifier or milk bottle that a baby uses has to be boiled either daily or after each use.
If you raise a baby you need to get all those things right! Make no mistake! Boil baby bottles, wash baby clothes with special powder, make sure you don't introduce baby to any flavors, colors, sound, bacteria or anything else that makes human world what it is today. I haven't found the proof yet, but I'm pretty sure babies are being prepared for life on another planet and after a year on Earth they migrate to outer space.
As for Siiri, I'm raising her to be mine and Erkki's offspring - a human being.
In short, I don't treat Siiri like a baby (
Hehe thank you! I needed to laugh :D Good points too. And judging by my kid, they tend to turn out pretty normal when treated like humans. Or is it too early? Maybe she will take off into outer space any day now. Who knows...