Do you know what sharks and babies have in common? Teeth!

Both keep growing new ones as if there's an endless supply of them.
I didn't mention it last time, but Siiri is now baptized! It was in a church with my family present. I was afraid our heavy metal baby might cry and protest with so many crosses around.

She was really quite relaxed. She kept playing with her sound, it seemed, to better understand how echo works. Now she has her very own silver cross by the bedside protecting her from evil spirits and vampires and werewolves and such. Actually against werewolves it would help if the cross was 15 inches long with a sharp serrated edge at the foot of it (also called a silver DAGGER), but her simple-silver-cross-on-a-chain will do for now.
She learned to crawl!

Finally REAL crawling, not some one sided commando crawl as slow as an average snail. We had a couple to baby physiotherapy exercising appointments and two weeks later she learned to crawl. I'm not sure if that baby exercising is worth the main praise here. Physiotherapist held on to Siiri and moved her around, while she was stubbornly trying to wriggle away. She was very agitated so we kept distracting her with toys to avoid hysteria and crying. That seemed to frustrate her even further because the toy was kept barely out of arm's reach.

It's was for motivational purposes only, almost like the rabbit in a dog race. At home I tried a different variation of exercises which also helped. Eventually I think she was simply ready for it and deserves the full credit for it.
Now she's getting faster every day. I let her crawl around on the floor. There's several toys spread out all over the room and she keeps moving from one to another - centipede... baby book... wires!

"No Siiri, don't play with those", I lift her back to the middle of the room. phone...centipede... media center!

"No Siiri, crawl away from that computer. It's not for licking.". It's actually a lot more fun than trying to entertain an immobile infant. There's so many things for her to discover: remote controls, glass table, mobile phone chargers, laundry basket, trash pin, etc. She already managed to reach one of her toy books on top of a glass coffee table. Shall it be a mug of hot tea the next time she tries that trick?
I remember I once had an opinion that 6-month old babies should sleep through the night and if they won't, it's up to the parents not to let the baby ruin everyone's sleep. Well I must say it wasn't a complete failure on my part. I actually have got her to sleep up to 8 hours straight several nights in a row but then there were TEETH! She started waking up all too often. The first rule of any sleep training is that baby must not be ill or in pain so we couldn't really do anything about her bad sleep. She got her long-awaited 4th tooth and I expected her to sleep a whole lot better but then she got a cold. Babies tend to sleep quite poorly with a stuffy nose.

A week later she could breathe normally again and her sleep got better... and then got waaaay worse. And then she bit me! And she ate really slowly and just wouldn't let go. As if she's teething AGAIN!
First year of parenting is 3 months of taking care of a fairly clueless infant and 9 months of dealing with a teething baby.
Two days of odd signs and today I got a peek: the next set of upper teeth are on their way, and one of them has already cut through. Our little shark has 5 teeth and more to come. There should be a pause in teething after her 8th tooth but I'm afraid those final three tooth will provide a month of teething each so by the time we're done she'll be a year old. And then it's time for the next pair of tooth.
Fortunately teeth are nocturnal - they only seem to grow during the night. At daytime she's so cute, chasing me on all fours and giggling.

She even lets me have breakfast and drink coffee, although I think it's just a trick to find opportunities to try and get a proper taste of those wires when mommy looks distracted...
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