I've started reading books lately. I never really fancied reading when I was younger. I remember reading a 200-page book completely voluntarily when I was around 15 and it seemed like a big thing. I was very proud of myself for years because I had READ A BOOK during my summer vacation. No one had forced me. Yesterday I finished Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy that consists of three books (DUH!

) that have 2130 pages altogether.
Yes, I might enjoy reading a good book but I can't help but count the pages. Assuming my reading speed hasn't improved much, it took me 71 hours to read this one trilogy. For comparison, Naruto original anime series was 9 seasons and 220 episodes. With each episode only 23 minutes, it would take a little over 84 hours to watch the entire series from beginning to the end. So was it really worth the time? I can tell you that Naruto series gave me a lot more emotion. It was intense - there were times I giggled manically about silly cartoon romances, there were times when I were sitting on the edge of my seat at the end of the episode and when it ended, both me and Erkki said in unison, "Next episode!". With this book trilogy the feeling was never this intense. I got an inner nag, "want. to. know. what. happens. next." and then I casually took the book and continued reading. At the very end I even preferred reading to watching a TV-series.
After finishing, I'm not sorry for the time spent and it really was a very good book. Well, it must have been good because
I read it. I'm very picky about books and if it kept me intrigued long enough to finish it, then it must have been very good. And when I finally did finish, I took the next book in the queue: Brent Weeks' "the Night Angel trilogy". Another 2000 pages, here I come.

I've actually read the first book a long time ago. I even mentioned it in my other blog:
San Diego travelogue last days. It's the book with the bad-ass 11-year-old who is just so cool that it gives me goosebumps. The "second" book I bought from San Diego, Raymond E. Feist's "Magician: Master", was so horrible that I made it Siiri's first paperback fantasy novel. It was her practice book when she could barely fold the pages and hold herself back from licking the book.
The worst book I've ever really tried to read was "Myrren's Gift" by Fiona McIntosh. It's even worse than "Magician: Master".

It just kept getting worse with the courageous hero squeezing through the toilet hole to escape a fight and with the long self-pity thought descriptions and awkward conversations where the main character is still praised for being eloquent and charismatic. The best book I remember reading was "The Last Wish" by Andrzej Sapkowski. It's a collection of stories about one monster hunter called the witcher. I can't even remember why I liked it so much. I just know that when I read the book I felt I had truly been missing out on a lot during all that time when I avoided books. This book is the reason why I've been trying out so many books ever since. So perhaps it's fair to call it my favourite book even though I can't even remember why it's so good.
I haven't talked about Siiri for so long. She learned to walk and then she started practicing walking faster and faster.

I've even seen her spinning on foot until she gets dizzy. Having confidence in her walking skill has made her a lot more adventurous. Just recently she followed me around as much as possible and suddenly I'm following her around. She's very independent and opinionated and I really like that about her. She keeps learning new words and forgetting old ones so her vocabulary stays pretty much the same. She can use a spoon and she has even managed to take a sip from a mug without help. Usually she tilts the mug too much and pours water all over herself so I rarely let her practice. She has gorgeous yellow blond hair that's really soft and I haven't seen anyone her age who has as much har as she does. I'll soon be able to make two pony tails.

And she's so vain! She found my bracelet in my drawer, took it to Erkki and extended her arm with a demanding tone. She waited until Erkki had put the bracelet around her arm and then walked in front of the mirror and started to admire the bracelet around
her arm, looking at it from different angles.
With my long days in the lab Siiri has become more demanding of my attention and I've started to miss spending time with her. So when I get home, I take Siiri out to the sandbox behind my house. Yes! A sandbox right outside. I didn't know about it until I got an SMS from the nanny mentioning that they're playing there. It turns out it's always been there. It was simply abandoned and had some plants growing in it. And, because of this sandbox I realized that I'm much worse at calmly relaxing than I thought - I've started to weed it and throw out any leaves or twigs. I'm about half done and it looks much-MUCH better than before.

...And I always wondered about parents fixing up things for their children. I never thought I'd be such an activist. I even had my book with me but I was too busy to read.
So I guess I'm still not a book person even though I've been spending so much time reading lately.
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