Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mystically Nonscientific

I just lost an hour's worth of blog post and I'm mad but better I still finish it today than someday.

A couple of friends of mine have been into astrology lately. Not the kind where random people get paid ten bucks to make up something for the newspaper horoscope column. I mean the kind where people have their sun sign , Moon sign, Mercury sign, Venus sign, and also influences from sextiles, semiquadrats and oppositions between different planets in the Solar system. It's so complicated and requires so much memory that I don't expect to ever really understand it fully, especially because I'm not convinced it's even partly true.

Lets avoid the word "pseudo scientific" and lets just say that no one has ever really been able to scientifically prove that astrology is true. Yet most people believe it even a little bit. I read on Wikipedia that astrology has been around for more than a millennium and it has had a huge influence on our culture. Makes sense, especially because astrology (horoscopes and such) and astronomy (physics of planets) used to be united under astrology. I might be very unfaithful to the entire scientific community with my next thought, but don't you agree that it's truly annoyingly arrogant of scientists to scavenge through a huge field, pick out the most reliable parts, steal them and then act all smug , "Bhahahahaaa, you astrologists don't have anything you can prove!".

Well, astrology hasn't been proven and it seems like people treat it as greatly inferior to religion. At least religion can make you feel good because it makes you BELIEVE that you ought to feel good, not like astrology which only tries to explain the entire world and all the people and events in it. I don't suppose there's many daily newspapers that print "A Daily Prayer for All Mayor Religions" and not many that DON'T print a daily horoscope, which helps people of all sun signs make serious everyday decisions, for example, whether it's a good day to buy socks.

I like mysticism too much for a biologist. I still can't really ignore that my in depth astrological chart says I could have mystical abilities and another planetary pattern indicated that I have a tendency toward (mystically) sensitive mind. I also find it very flattering that my chart describes a mentally superb person with great intuition, full of original ideas, highly intellectual, energetic, practical, and most flattering of all, it describes a natural born propagandist who can pass forward information in a way that it can't be ignored. On the other hand, it describes a person who is very stingy with money and relies on constant stability. When I had read the entire thing, I had a feeling that the stars are really favoring me!

By the way, if you can read Estonian and this all made you curious, then I suggest you try, pick "sinu horoskoop" and then fill out the form with your exact birth time and place. I'm sure there are similar websites in English as well.

Astrology is just a recent interest, or rather, it's an old friend I bump into once every few years. I never know how long the interest will stay fresh. Soon I'll find myself talking with someone who barely knows me and when I talk about my hobbies, I will rather mention that I cross stitch, which is a very stereotypically boring hobby for people with no grasp on the century we're in, and I will avoid expressing any serious interest in astrology with the fear of sounding silly and dumb. And then I will tone down how much I spend time with it because I can't even talk about it.

It's a real nice change to not breastfeed or grow anyone inside me - at last I get to party without obsessively counting glasses and staring at my watch. I went to a great party on Thursday and I went clubbing til the morning with my sisters on Saturday.

Today I had one of those super productive days when things just get done and more got done than I'd usually plan for three days. The vast amount of energy was all fueled by procrastination. Tomorrow I'm doing a really scary procedure in the lab and so much could go wrong. I could perhaps help my situation a little if I go over my notes again in detail, but I really didn't want to do that because I know it would do very little good and it would make me more nervous, so in stead I made sure I have something else to do while quilt kept gaining on me whenever I slowed down too much!

PS! Today I saw two young boys messing about in the car park outside our house. It looked and sounded like they were spray painting the pavement next to our car, but I only saw them huddled there next to the car. It was odd that boys this young would get their hands on spray paint so it caught my attention. Really I thought it must be something completely innocent but I wanted to take a sneak peak anyway. When I stepped toward them, they ran. As it turned out, those boys were letting air out of our cars tires. Oh so it wasn't spray paint after all. If I ever see them near our car again they'll be sorry. What a pair of apes!


  1. Heh tried that link you posted. I can say it was the complete opposite of me that it generated :D

    But I do know how awkward it is in social situations to have "weird" hobbies. Mine aren't any better, I'd say probably even weirder. So I often find that I lack any sort of common ground with the cool kids on the block. But it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you're loving your hobbies and your life. Everyone else can do what they will.

    Except the boys though, who does that?! Such an odd entertainment..

  2. :D Complete opposite?! Nooooooooo..... That could mean that the stars DON'T think I'm the next "Darwin meets Madonna". Awwww...

    With hobbies there's a fine line between weird and outragous. If hobbies are weird enough, they become outragously original, thus cool. :) It still doesn't keep the conversation going very long because a stranger probably doesn't have much to say about it, except perhaps they could express their prejudice, which polite people just won't do. When I mention a weird hobby that I'm into, I think it makes me more interesting, but only as long as I don't try to have an entire dialogue about a topic that only I can talk about. The line between weird and cool is so thin that almost all hobbies can be presented as cool when you say what makes them so great.
