My life is finally closer to what it should be.

I feel pretty busy and that's nice. Last Thursday I played Dungeons and Dragons, on Friday we met with Erkki's parents, on Saturday me and Erkki went out for breakfast and in the evening got together with a bunch of friends in a pub, Sunday was spent mostly just chilling out but we also went out for sushi
(YAY! TASTY DANGEROUS STUFF!), Monday I met with a friend with two kids, Tuesday I had my "Mage: The Ascension" role-playing game, today I'm going to the movies with my good friend, tomorrow I have Dungeons and Dragons, Friday is still free time, but Saturday will probably be spent cross-stitching with the girls and watching girly shows. So basically, one entire week of activity and even plans for the future. Ah, just like it should be!
Actually my hands are kinda shaky.

I just called my driving instructor and I have a lesson next week.

This blog is helpful. I was gonna write I still haven't called him, but I stopped at mid sentence and picked up my phone. I have no idea whether I manage to get my licence before birth or not. I just figure that no matter what happens - I need to keep my little tiny driving skills alive so I don't give up altogether. I assume I'll still end up taking the exams afterwards and I won't feel stressed about getting my licence in the next 3 months.
That leaves the dentist, school stuff and exercising.
Pregnancy updates - I have no pain or discomfort. And still no stretch marks.

I'm 26 weeks pregnant tomorrow. My tummy is definitely growing and changing shape - it's become firmer and rounder. My weight, however, has barely changed.

Remember the 3-weeks-1-kg weight gain plan? Well it's been 2 weeks and 0.6 kilos so I'm well on schedule. Maybe this is why I have no discomfort. Some women already get sharp pains because the baby is starting to take up too much room. And some women are helpless by that time because their weight center has changed so much. Well OK, I find it uncomfortable to do things where my abs are suddenly needed - like getting up from sitting on the floor or sitting in a chair where back rest is a bit too far and the body must keep its shape and balance with help from stomach muscles. My poor abs are stretched out all around the baby so using them means I squish the baby against my internal organs. I avoid it when I can.
I have a new dangerous habit.

In the morning I eat 3 eggs that are medium rare. Egg white is hard-boiled but yolk is completely raw. Actually depending on the size of the egg, sometimes I get the boiling time wrong so some of the egg white is also kinda raw. But when I open the egg it still looks so tasty that I don't care and I just eat it. I've eaten eggs like that since I was a kid and I haven't had salmonella yet. But I never ate 3 eggs daily. We'll see. I just know I love how they taste and I get lots of proteins too.
Something unexpected - I had a couple of really moody days. When I'm being moody it seems perfectly justified for me to pout for an hour when I don't like what politicians are saying to the press. My husband is more objective and he knows I usually just skip what the politicians say and definitely don't use such pointless things as an excuse to pout. But for a couple of days, any excuse was good enough. "I over-cooked the pasta. I spilled some water. I hurt my knee against the chair. Dinner just doesn't taste RIGHT. This pillow is lumpy. My desk is stupid. My computer is TOO SLOW.

" ...suddenly all those seem perfectly good reasons to sulk grimly.
I'm normally pretty calm and relaxed so when I had been surprisingly moody two days straight, my husband started to suspect it's not just by chance. He told me what he suspected so I took out the calendar and counted days. As it turns out it was roughly the time I would have PMS if I wasn't pregnant. He recognized all the signs. A couple of days later, I'm back to my normal self again. I also had PMS on the second and third pregnancy month. Probably it's been happening every month even when I didn't notice. Poor Erkki.
Actually Erkki has been really great throughout the pregnancy. We spent six weeks apart because I was in another laboratory across the world and now we're closer than we've been in years. We're like TOTALLY lovey-dovey. Every morning we're happy to see each other, "Good morning, honey! Did you sleep well?", every day we talk over the messenger, "Hi darling, how's your day?" and every evening we're being all disgustingly cute - hugging each other because of the
HOURS-long separation 
and playing Guitar Hero: World Tour together (he's on the guitar, I sing) or we just make dinner together and then watch a movie sitting with our elbows touching. When we're out with other people, we behave in a more civilized manner, but pretty soon it feels like a forever since we last hugged and we send each other air-kisses when no one is looking.
We also have conversations about how we will raise our child. It's a casual part of our life now. We're just playing separate computer games in the same room and suddenly one of us says, "What if our kid is like a Duracell bunny?". I initiated such conversations way more often than Erkki for a long time, but now even he is thinking about such things. I suspect the pregnancy became real for him when he felt the baby move with his own hand. Just yesterday he suddenly said, "I had a scary thought - when the kid goes to school, we will have to wake up before 8 a.m. every morning even though our work day begins later." A scary thought indeed. But it's totally cute that he thought of it.
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