It seems it's not that difficult to track weight during pregnancy. Simply by being pregnant I spend about the same amount of energy I would spend if I went to gym every day for over an hour. This means I don't have to be so strict about my calorie intake anymore. Every day is like a holiday when it comes to eating. No matter what my daily activity level is, I can indulge a bit more and not feel guilty about it. Usually when people have a workout every day, they lose weight, but pregnant women gain weight despite the increased energy expenditure. I know why it's so. IT'S THE APPETITE!!!!!
Like really - some things have started to taste so yummy you wouldn't believe it! I eat three to five oranges and they still taste good. (yes, OH-MY-GOD, I STILL eat oranges!) The only reason I stop eating is because my stomach is all squished there and I simply can't fit any more. It's a good thing I'm not craving chocolate or sticks of butter. Sometimes I just tell myself - "No, don't even think about buying those cookies!" or "if you make pasta, you'd better add some good meat or cheese there! Carbs aren't healthy nutrition - it's just another snack!". But I definitely limit myself less than before pregnancy.
Anyway, my weight gain is totally on track and my next goal is to weigh +10 kg at 29 weeks - that's 1.5 kg by 19th of February.
Oh, actually one more thing that's somewhat growth related. My leg muscles are HUGE! Like really! ...and I have a theory. My body is bumped full of growth hormones! They're meant for the baby but it seems my body certainly takes advantage of such little perks. Seems pregnant women do bulk up - but also on muscles, not only fat. Muscles are growing with so little effort that body builders would certainly feel envious! I still haven't made it to gym (I walk a lot and exercise a bit at home) and my muscles are stronger than before.
I had a thought about my health in general. Remember I had a blog post about feeling better than I've felt in a while even though pregnant women are pitied for feeling so weak and sickly. Well maybe I feel so healthy because since I got pregnant I started taking vitamins, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, stopped drinking alcohol, I take more effort to sleep a lot, etc. Mhh, but the growth hormones definitely help.
Pregnancy is getting boring. Seriously. For a while it was really fun with the changes happening all the time. Now my stomach is growing more slowly so I'm used to the current size. "yeah, so I'm pregnant. What else is new?". Baby is still moving every day. But it's not really doing anything in there. It's just - you know - dancing around. She doesn't even have the decency to entertain me with a good kick. I'm convinced she got bored with the walls. She realized that kicking the walls doesn't change a thing. Now the baby just nudges me sometimes when she feels like it. Who would have thought that I expect my kid to poke me.
I had a doctor's check-up. Everything is normal. Boring but good.
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