It seems it's not that difficult to track weight during pregnancy. Simply by being pregnant I spend about the same amount of energy I would spend if I went to gym every day for over an hour. This means I don't have to be so strict about my calorie intake anymore. Every day is like a holiday when it comes to eating. No matter what my daily activity level is, I can indulge a bit more and not feel guilty about it. Usually when people have a workout every day, they lose weight, but pregnant women gain weight despite the increased energy expenditure.
Like really - some things have started to taste so yummy you wouldn't believe it! I eat three to five oranges and they still taste good. (yes, OH-MY-GOD, I STILL eat oranges!) The only reason I stop eating is because my stomach is all squished there and I simply can't fit any more. It's a good thing I'm not craving chocolate or sticks of butter.
Anyway, my weight gain is totally on track and my next goal is to weigh +10 kg at 29 weeks - that's 1.5 kg by 19th of February.
Oh, actually one more thing that's somewhat growth related. My leg muscles are HUGE! Like really! ...and I have a theory. My body is bumped full of growth hormones! They're meant for the baby but it seems my body certainly takes advantage of such little perks.
I had a thought about my health in general. Remember I had a blog post about feeling better than I've felt in a while even though pregnant women are pitied for feeling so weak and sickly. Well maybe I feel so healthy because since I got pregnant I started taking vitamins, eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, stopped drinking alcohol, I take more effort to sleep a lot, etc. Mhh, but the growth hormones definitely help.
Pregnancy is getting boring. Seriously. For a while it was really fun with the changes happening all the time. Now my stomach is growing more slowly so I'm used to the current size. "yeah, so I'm pregnant.
I had a doctor's check-up. Everything is normal. Boring but good.
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