It's recommended that the mother tells her doctor a.s.a.p. if the baby is not moving enough. If I took this seriously I would be visiting my doctor almost every day.
I tried something today! I had read on the Internet that if the mother drinks a glass of cold water or eats something sugary the baby will surely move and also, some babies react to shaking or poking the belly. I know my baby is way too chilled to even nudge when I eat sweet stuff and I had already tried poking and shaking with no success. So as an experiment, I drank a glass of cold water rapidly. The first minute really disappointing - I knew she was chilling leaning against my left side. She shifted over to right side and leaned against my belly. "Enough movement for today, mommy".
Babies are usually said to be most active at night. That's because during the day they hear and feel all sorts of things and it's fun and interesting. They even see light through the stomach so they notice when I change clothes. They react to all sorts of stimuli and play with anything they can - mostly with their only toy: the umbilical cord. During the night everything suddenly gets dark and quiet. No one's talking, the mother isn't walking around, no keyboard clatter and no music. The baby gets terribly bored and starts to make a havoc. This is actually one reason why pregnant women often sleep badly during the night. Baby gets bored and starts kicking and protesting to get some entertainment. Cute, right? And totally explains why my baby is so inactive when I'm awake, right?
She entertained me on Wednesday though. I was sitting in the quiet office room in the laboratory and listening to music on my earphones.
The moment I put the earphones near her she immediately stopped trampling to hear the music better. It seems she really likes HIM. When the song ended (and I didn't even notice at first because I was doing other stuff) she got restless again. Ah, she likes just my kind of music. I played her another HIM song. I continued working with the earphones in my lap and my playlist on random. Suddenly the baby started moving a lot in a very distressed rhythm. I picked up the earphones to find out what was playing. I heard Korn with some really angry shouting and dark loud metal.
To make the situation even more ridiculous - this is supposed to be the prime time of baby movements. Earlier in pregnancy baby is too small for the mother to feel the movements (or at least the mother feels only the strongest kicks) and later in pregnancy the baby is too tightly crammed in there to have room for moving around so much. Well, I really can't imagine her to move even less than now!
By the way, here's one EXTREMELY failed automatic advertisement link.

Many women get outie bellybuttons when pregnant. My bellybutton is still an innie - or actually more like a flattie.
PS! Now she decides to move!
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