I had an odd feeling that my water might have broken in the early hours of today - at 6 a.m. But I wasn't sure of anything so I went back to sleep. At 8 I woke up again feeling a bit uneasy. Maybe it was the water, maybe it wasn't... If it was then I should start having contractions soon.

I waited. No, nothing. No contractions. But the baby's head is very very low.
Actually there was something I didn't mention in my last post. When I went to the doctor's a couple of days ago, my blood pressure was 140/80. That's really high for me. There was also some general swelling, which isn't good either. The doctor told me to come back on Friday to measure blood pressure again. So I had an appointment at 2 p.m. which made me feel good because I can ask advice from the doctor.
OK, "I might be in labour right now", I thought. But I was still sloppy and left my home a bit too late. I had 20 minutes to walk a couple of km, so I hurried. A brisk walk never hurt anyone. Occasionally I felt I might have to slow down because the baby is so low, but I didn't want to be late either. If anything harmless and natural is going to start the contractions, walking will be it! Well, it didn't work.
I wasn't late, but after my fast walk my blood pressure was 150/80.

That is VERY high for me. They measured it again twice and it was high each time. It's usually 120/70. And I feel quite swollen - my weight was +15.8 kg in the morning. I told the doctor I suspect my water might have broken. She took a sample and had me wait for the results. And she said she might have me admitted to the hospital whatever the result. They want to monitor my blood pressure as a safety measure.
After waiting about 40 minutes I got the result: positive!

My water has broken. "Go home, pack your bag and come back to the hospital before the evening. They (maternity ward people) will wait for contractions but if they don't come, labour will be induced. Water breaking creates a risk of infection so labour can't wait too long after water breaks."
PS! People who read this and know my phone number, don't bother calling.

This is all the information you're gonna get now anyway, so don't make me explain it on the phone as well. Or actually never mind - I'm gonna keep my phone on silent mode anyway and won't answer any questions like "Do you have the baby yet?". I will call people when I feel like it.
Just a quick note (which you ain't gonna read anytime soon I quess) to say that I hope everything will be really good and that you will meet your baby soon and have a very positive birth-experience.
ReplyDeleteGuess you were right not to update your character last night :P This is soooo cool - hope it'll all be just fine :)
ReplyDeleteSituation update:
ReplyDeleteThe original post was posted at around 5 pm, and now, about 4 hours later, I got a call from Kristiina. Everything is OK, she still isn't in any pain and is currently reading a book :) The calm atmosphere at the hospital has nicely relaxed her and, so far, she's just enjoying herself and waiting for the real labour to start.
The labour process has started according to what the doctor's have told her, but it isn't very intensive yet (read: can't be felt). The baby is still happy and moving herself every once in a while :)
I'll try to post again once I hear any news.
Nonii, pidevalt piilun siia, et kas on midagi uut, aga nüüd lähen küll magama ära. Usutavasti ei saa K täna eriti palju magada :) Mõtleme ta peale ja jääme uudiseid ootama!!!
ReplyDeleteJa siis saab minust lõpuks ometi päriselt tädi, jei, muu!
The time is now around midnight - still nothing going on really and Kristiina is going to bed - let's hope she has a good night :)
ReplyDeleteNo news yet?
ReplyDeleteNo real news, the last thing I heard was that Erkki was going to the hospital to take breakfast/food to K :P So I guess we'll have to keep waiting.
ReplyDeleteErkki here. Morning at hospital, now back from lunch. No birth activity yet. Breakfast was laughably minimal. First labor induction pill given at 1200. Before that, the doctor actually mentioned a possibility of sending her home for next 24 hours. Also brought food - Kristiina was very satisfied.
ReplyDeleteErkki said just about everything Kristiina wanted me to post :P
ReplyDeleteSome things I could add: K is feeling fine and relaxed, the doctors/nurses are friendly and helpful, there is no pain yet and she's basically chilling as if she were at a sanitarium. The baby is in the right position, but still wiggles around sometimes - showing her spirit, I guess.
(for the purposes of a timeline: the time is now 14.12)
Hmm, I thought they would induce labour if the water was broken and the baby wouldn't come out in a day or so?
ReplyDeleteIt's now 9 pm and there's still nothing going on. Erkki was sent home from the hospital and Kristiina is being kept in for yet another night. Fortunately she has good food there (because Erkki took her some) :)
ReplyDeleteHoping for some more action during the night...
Latest news:
ReplyDeleteThe baby girl was born at 10.11 am on Saturday morning. She weighs 3382 grams. Both Kristiina and the newborn are doing fine :)
The waiting is finally over and she ... has .... arrived! :D
It's Sunday and the Mother's Day, a happy day! Congratulations to everybody from family, who has become honored as grandparents, aunts, uncles etc!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations from me as well! :D
ReplyDeleteOMG, what a mistake to make... guess I was too excited or sth - the day was indeed SUNDAY, not Saturday.
ReplyDeleteBut it is indeed very appropriate that the baby decided to be born on Mother's Day, and give Kristiina a reason to celebrate it already this year :)